Chapter 10

Even though Layla felt like they weren’t moving at a very fast pace, she was surprised when Ledger announced that they were almost at the checkpoint where someone would pick them up.

The sun was high in the sky. They’d only stopped three times for about an hour. Apparently, that was much faster than they usually made the trek.

Layla was exhausted. Ariel looked like Layla felt. Quiet. Tired. The two of them leaned on one another, arms wrapped around each other. They had a bond that would always be tight. It had been there from the moment Ariel was born, and it would never sever.

“You okay?” Layla whispered in her sister’s ear as they waited under their fourth lean-to for someone to pick them up.

The men were giving them space. Nile was on the walkie-talkie with someone from the compound. Gatlin had climbed to a higher point to look around through binoculars. Ledger stood guard, keeping half an eye on the women while giving them space.

Ariel met Layla’s gaze. “Everything is about to change.”

Layla stroked her sister’s hair. “Everything changed two weeks ago,” she pointed out.

“Yeah, but we’ve still been together. When we get there, we’re going to get separated.”

“We’ll never be separated, Ariel,” Layla promised.

Ariel swallowed. “You’re going to start a life with these men. I’ll be…God knows where with God knows who.”

Layla hugged her sister tight. “I won’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or lonely. I promise.”

Ariel gave her a lopsided grin. “Watching you kiss four men is the extent of my voyeurism. I’m not going near you when clothes start coming off.”

Layla flushed and glanced at Ledger, wondering if he was far enough away that he couldn’t hear her. She whispered. “Not sure I’m ready for that.”

“Mmm. You will be.”

“How can you be so sure?” Layla didn’t feel half as certain as Ariel seemed to think.

“I was worried at first, but I’ve seen the way they all look at you, including Jay. They already adore you. They’re not going to let you out of their sight. And I can’t blame them.”

“So, you don’t think I’ve lost my marbles?”

She shook her head. “Nope. Not anymore. Just…be careful. Make sure you don’t feel coerced into doing anything you’re not ready for.” Ariel gave Layla’s hand a squeeze. “But you’re strong, Lay. You’ve always been stronger than me. I don’t want you to spend so much time worrying about me that you let love slip through your fingers. If it feels right with them, grab onto it and own it. It’s what Mom and Dad would have wanted.”

Layla choked up at the mention of their parents. She sucked back threatening tears and simply held on to Ariel, not letting go.

A few minutes later, they heard a car engine in the distance, and soon an old van pulled up next to them.

Gatlin jogged down from his lookout spot, and the five of them rushed to get into the van.

In seconds, they were all seated, and the driver took off. “See anything suspicious?” he asked as he headed back the way he’d come.

“No. Nothing,” Nile informed him.

“You’re a day earlier than we expected,” the man pointed out, gripping the steering wheel and glancing out of every mirror frequently. He shifted his gaze to Layla and Ariel only briefly, nodding to acknowledge them.

Layla understood that this man wasn’t being rude. He was simply doing his job, and his job was to get them to safety.

“We made good time,” Gatlin said. “Only stopped a few hours total in the night.”

“Why the rush? You must be exhausted,” the man stated.

Ledger was sitting next to Layla, his arm around her shoulders. He picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. “Unexpected connection.”

The serious expression on the driver’s face softened to a grin. “Yeah?” He glanced at the other men. “Well, fuck me.” He winced. “Sorry, ladies.”