“No one will pressure you, Layla. Nor will they touch you inappropriately or without permission. You have my word.”

She nodded again. “I’m fine.”

She was so much more than fine. At least outwardly. She was clearly hesitant and nervous, but that gorgeous hair now hung over her shoulders and down her back. Gatlin was pretty sure she wasn’t wearing anything under the T-shirt, but thick curls were draped across her front, creating a curtain over her chest.

“Where did you and your sister come from?” Ledger asked. He too had turned his body to face her, though he looked ready to pounce. His hand was fisted against his thigh. He was feeling impatient. Gatlin could easily read the signs.

“East of the city. We were living off the grid until two weeks ago.”

Jay cleared his throat. “Their parents were killed, and the two of them came in search of us.”

Gatlin lifted his brows. “Oh? How did you know about us?”

“My mother was friends with Julie Imes, your midwife.”

Gatlin nodded. “When did you last see Julie?” She’d never mentioned this woman.

“I’ve never met her. She was supposed to be the midwife at my birth, but she sent my parents into hiding before then.”

“Wait…” Ledger interrupted. “You’ve been living off the grid for your entire life?”

She nodded.

Nile cleared his throat. “How old are you?”

Gatlin was wondering the same thing. Please tell me she’s over eighteen.


An audible sigh of relief left each man’s lips, though it was unnecessary. Jay would never have touched a woman who wasn’t old enough.

She released the grip she had in her lap and ran her fingers through her hair, tossing it over her shoulders. Her raised arms lifted her chest, and when she shifted the locks of hair out of the way, Gatlin was graced with the faint hint of high pert breasts, not large, not small. She had on no bra. Her nipples brushed the front of the shirt, drawing his attention.

Not wanting to appear to be the letch that he was feeling, he forced his gaze back to her face.

“I should check on my sister,” she announced, not moving.

“We’re overwhelming you, aren’t we?” Gatlin asked.

“A little,” she agreed, her cute button nose scrunching up as if she didn’t want to offend them.

Jay was the one to stand, pushing the chair out of the way. “Why don’t you go down below? We’ll give you some time to get ready to go, okay?”

She rose, wiping her hands on her leggings. “That would be great. Thanks.” She shuffled between the rest of the men, trying not to touch anyone.

Nile rose and rushed to the false-front pantry to pull it open for her. Always the gentleman. “You’re going to need better shoes. We’ll be walking from here.”

“I have some. Thanks.”

Gatlin and Ledger stood, watching her disappear down the spiral staircase before Nile shut the door, leaving the four of them in the waning light, all of them standing quietly absorbing what was happening. They wouldn’t take the risk of lighting anything in the dark. Not even a match or candle. Just in case.

“My God,” Gatlin finally said, breaking the silence. He ran a hand through his hair. “I haven’t felt this nervous since I was about twelve and Susie Johansson passed me a note in sixth grade.”

Ledger chuckled. “Ditto.”

“No kidding,” Nile agreed. “Talk to us,” he demanded of Jay.

Jay shrugged. “Not much to say. Maya brought her and Ariel this morning. Dropped them off and left again in true Maya fashion. I paced around up here swallowing my tongue while Layla and Ariel were down below showering and eating. Layla came back up and we eased into a conversation that ended with her sleeping on my lap, just as you found us.”