Page 63 of Nonverbal

“I’ll stay unless you point at the door or indicate I should leave.”

She doesn’t move.

I exhale. I get to stay. I’ll stay and wait out this storm beside her.

After twenty minutes, she lifts her hair and looks at me with red, puffy eyes. My heart rips.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I’m sorry for whatever I did. I ramble too much. I’m sorry I upset you or made you uncomfortable.” I squeeze the pink bunny in my bulky hands. I’m glad Bamsy is comforting her because Pink Bunny is doing jack shit for me.

She wipes her face and then pats the bed in front of her. I lay beside her so we’re facing. Slowly, so she has plenty of time to stop my hand if she wants to, I reach out to push the hair from her cheeks and forehead. She looks like there’s no strength left in her body. I hand her the phone.

She closes her eyes, willing energy into her fingers to tap the screen.

“For what I did.”

I stare at her a moment, completely lost. “I don’t…I don’t know what I did, but I know I made you upset. I’m sorry because I don’t want to hurt you.”

Fresh tears fill her eyes.

I’m so lost. “Yes?”

She wipes a tear.

“For what?”

My response makes her cry harder, so I scratch the bare mattress we’re laying on. I wish I could say the right thing to help. “I’m sorry,” I say again.

“For what? I’m so confused. Please tell me what happened, honey.”

More sobs. Fuck. I’m going to stop opening my mouth.

After some sniffs and sighs and cleaning her face, she lifts her phone.

My hands are desperate to console her, so I pet Bamsy instead. “I care about you, and I don’t want to see you hurt. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She shakes her head, determined to convince me to change my mind.

“Good. I hate women who are boring.”

“You think someone my size fears violence? My feelings won’t change because you threw a pillow at the wall. It’s actually a good workout.”

I was hoping to get a smile, but her expression is bathed in gloom.

Air is punched from my lungs. So that’s what this is about. I usually get such high marks in the bedroom that I got cocky. How could I be so off my game with Paige? She’s a fucking sex goddess. A rare woman. She needed my complete focus and attention, and I was too consumed with eating her out that I got sloppy.

“Jesus, I’m really sorry,” I say. “You tasted so good and my dick took over my judgment. I don’t think right when my dick is in control. I promise next time—”
