Page 15 of Nonverbal

I groan. That money would really help, but my house is already cramped. And Troy is rubbing me the wrong way. His girlfriend barely dumped him and he’s already got another one? At least have the decency to wait a few months.

Dammit. I made a promise.

“Fine,” I say warily. “Two weeks. I’m serious, though, about staying away from my sister and Paige.”

Troy smirks. “Paige. That’s a pretty name.” My stare wipes the grin off his face. He clears his throat. “Of course. I won’t bother them. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I’ll let you know when I’m packed and ready to come over.”


Miguel pats my shoulder. “Well, see you at the club tonight.”

I nod and they both walk away. Hope I’m doing the right thing by letting Troy stay. I hate breaking my word, so two weeks and then he’s out.

My next client arrives, and I rub at the knot in my neck. Time to chug a nasty energy drink and finish the day.

I GET HOME LATER THAN usual due to traffic, but there’s still time to nap, eat, and shower before I hit the club. I also need to tell Amber and Paige that Troy is moving in. Not looking forward to that.

When I walk through the door, I’m greeted by the sight of Paige dancing in the kitchen, shuffling and moving her arms like she’s at a rave. She’s only missing the glow sticks. I stop next to the couch to watch. It’s not the first time she’s broken into dance. The woman is like pure energy—some part of her is always moving.

What catches my interest is her change of appearance. Her long cinnamon-brown hair is done in curls and swept into a styled ponytail, a few strands loose around her face. A sleeveless skin-tight white dress hugs every curve, cleavage peeking from the top. The bottom has shimmied up her thighs from the dancing—up those long, sculpted thighs—so I can see the bottom of her lacy black panties.

She’s such a free spirit. Uninhibited. I don’t know how she does it—living her life regardless of other’s opinions.

She notices me and grins. My chest warms. I’m getting too used to these greetings. She’s always there when I get home, ready to flash a huge smile and ask about my day like I’m the most important person in the world. She does it to Amber, too.

After popping out her ear buds and switching them off, frantic EDM pulses through her phone’s speaker. She grabs my hands and encourages me to shuffle with her.

I laugh. “I have no idea how to do that.”

Cocking her head, she tries to teach me. Position your feet in a triangle. Lift one foot. Switch positions. Repeat. After my first successful cycle, she claps her hands, grins, and encourages me to do more.

“What the—” Amber is standing in front of the hallway doubled over in laughter. “You look like a bull trying to balance on a high wire.”

I stop dancing.

Paige cuts the music.

“Doesn’t mean it’s not funny,” Amber says, holding up her phone. “Do it again. I need to post this online.”

“No thanks,” I grumble, throwing my keys and wallet on the table and kicking off my shoes. “What’s going on? You two going out?”

“She is,” Amber says. “C’mon, Paige. Let’s do your makeup before he gets here.”

“Where are you—” I close my mouth when I see Amber’s ‘none of your business’ stare.

“Hang out? With who?”

“You don’t have to answer that,” Amber cuts in, trying to get Paige to follow her to the bathroom.

What kind of name is fucking Rings? Guy sounds like the biggest douche to ever exist.

Amber laughs. “It’s not Rings. It’s Josh. Hurry. Let’s do makeup.”

Before I can get more info, Amber and Paige disappear into the bathroom.