Page 26 of Reckless Rival

Pushing away any leftover anxiety, she took one long, deep breath through the foam of the helmet and turned to look to her side. It was Rana and another girl on his bike. She felt a strange burn when she saw the girl’s chest plastered to his back.

Nami heard the girl with Rana giggle with excitement, but he had his eyes ahead. She could tell he was royally pissed with her and that surprisingly bothered her, but she shook it off.

“Let’s go, Aryan,” she cried out loud enough for everyone around to hear her, especially Rana. The roar of the bike engine soon after confirmed that he had, in fact, heard her.

From that moment on to when the race started, she kept her eyes shut. Panic set in even as she told herself it was okay, but she had never been on a bike that was going so fast. The first time ever on a bike was when she went out with Rana.

A loud horn from somewhere made her open her eyes, and the sight in front of her she could not believe. Rana’s bike was inches behind her, and a moment later, she saw the checkered flag being waved.

Aryan had won!

Chapter 9

The punching bag swayed and shook every time he drove his fist into it, but his anger did not fade. The loss of the race the previous night was hardly the reason, but the fact he lost because of the distraction she caused.

“Rana,” Ved called out from the entrance of the training center. “What the heck happened last night?”

Rana did not respond. He didn’t want to share how everything about his rival affected him. The way she sat on the bike facing him, how scared she looked, and more than anything, how angry he was that she went on the bike with his nemesis.

“Rana?” Ved insisted. “You almost took a girl on the race. We never do that.”

“I asked the girl to get off just before the start. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s one race.” He grit his teeth as he drove another punch.

“You know I’m not asking about the race.” Ved looked pissed and concerned at the same time.

Rana kept punching the bag. “I don’t want to talk about her either. I’ll deal with her.”

Ved was about to speak but stopped when he heard the door open, and Abhi walked in. Rana kept punching the bag like he didn’t want to talk to anyone. “Abhi, talk to him.”

Abhi looked at Rana, who had stopped punching and was looking at him. “You good?”

Ved jumped in before Rana could respond. “He is not, and you know that. Why are you asking him that question?”

Abhi raised his hand. “He can handle it himself.”

Rana nodded at Abhi and then looked at Ved. “I’ll deal with her.”

“They don’t belong in Simha, so why are they all here suddenly?” Ved was visibly angry.

“This Varma girl is definitely here with a plan, and I need to make sure I upset every one of her schemes.” Rana was outraged.

Abhi looked at Rana. “Don’t let her get under your skin. First, the boxing match and now the race.” He took a step closer. “Not worth losing your cool. You have the championships coming up.”

Rana knew his older cousin was right. He had let her too close to him. He was still under the influence of her charm, and he needed to break out of it. “Got it.”

If she was sent to mend relationships or, worse, get back at his family by enticing him, she was in deep trouble. The audacity that the monster had to send his daughter to Simha after what he had done to his family was unfathomable.

As Rana practiced, he decided to push away all thoughts of her. In due course, he will deal with her the right way. She will get what she deserves, especially for sneaking into his life as she did.


The corridor was empty, there was absolutely no one around, except for the occasional beep of the monitor that surrounded his father’s bed, and there was an eerie calmness that engulfed him. It had been a while since his father had the accident and yet he was still in the hospital.

He didn’t want to ask his mother because she was busy in the office, and when she came home, she was barely there before she left for the hospital. She would take him from time to time, but his father looked the same.

The doctors gave his father a lot of medication, but he was still sleeping. It was unlike the time he had fallen sick and had recovered the next day.

“Daddy, wake up.” His voice was soft, so he didn't wake up his dad suddenly. His mom had told him Daddy had to sleep to get stronger and come home.