Page 15 of P is for…

Master Mikel released the ring, and she let out a sigh of mingled disappointment and relief. That morphed into a yelp when he made a circle of two fingers, his middle finger braced against the pad of his thumb and then released, cruelly flicking her nipple.

She almost forgot about the chain in her mouth as she reacted to the pain. Mikel tightened his hold on her neck in warning. At the last second she stilled, and managed not to swallow anything but spit.

Mikel grabbed the chain, drawing it out of her mouth. The wet metal slithered down her neck, resting on her collar bones for only a moment. A moment was how long it took him to use the small jewelry clasps on each end to clip the chain to her nipple rings.

“Kneel up.” He released her neck, his hand instead sliding behind her, between her shoulders to provide support as she changed position, upright once more. The chain dangled against her stomach, tickling her.

When he hooked a finger through the chain, she opened her mouth, anticipating his next command.

“Hold it. Chin up, eyes lowered.”

He placed the center of the chain between her teeth and she clamped down, tasting metal once more. Then she slowly raised her chin, eyes half closed. He tapped her shoulder, a silent signal to stop.

She wasn’t holding up the weight of her breasts by her nipples, but there was enough tension that her nipple rings flipped up rather than dangling.

“You may sit back, as long as you keep your head in position.”

Carefully, Mal settled back, butt resting on her heels.

She zoned out for a few minutes, just enjoying the moment, trying not to think about or set expectations for what came next. That would make her impatient. She floated, simply enjoying herself. She wasn’t in the fabled “sub-space” that people on the internet seemed to think was a separate state of being. Not that she couldn’t, hadn’t, had moments where she was so deeply submissive that she lost sight of herself. Those musings brought her perilously close to subjects and memories she’d rather not examine, so she forced herself back into a quiet, meditative state.

The sound of Mikel’s voice shocked her like an alarm going off in the middle of a yoga session.

“Benson, join us.”

Mal’s whole body twitched. Her heart rate sped up…yet a part of her relaxed.

She could have hidden her response, suppressed the reaction. But that would be a body language lie of omission. Outside of the club, she strove for total control over how she presented herself. That meant everything was calculated—from her facial expressions to her body language.

She kept her gaze down, but in her peripheral vision she saw Benson’s legs as he slid in the seat kitty-corner from Mikel.

Suppressing or hiding one’s initial, instinctive responses to stimuli—be it physical or informational—meant withholding information from a partner. If her response was a secret, only she knew then she wasn’t being fully open and honest, and therefore the person topping her didn’t have all the information they needed.

Benson had been the first one to explain that to her. The first one to encourage and teach her to authentically react. That had come back to bite them in the ass, but she strove to maintain that honesty.

“Benson, I have something that I believe belongs to you.” Mikel stroked her hair.

This time, her reaction wasn’t a twitch, but a full body jerk and Mal’s expression twisted into a wince.

“No.” Benson’s voice was sharp.

Mal squeezed her eyes closed.

“Absolutely not,” Benson continued. “Despite your machinations with the game.”

“Machinations?” Mikel laughed in delight.

One finger hooked the nipple chain and Mikel tugged it from between her teeth. It dropped, the damp chain tapping against her stomach.

“Perhaps we just dislike avoidance.” Mikel sounded amused.

“Avoidance is a valid strategy.” In contrast, Benson’s voice was threaded with anger.

“Perhaps for some things, but not for this,” Mikel said.

“Tell me this, which one of us are you planning to kick out of the club if we don’t play? Or will it be both of us?”

Now that was a good question, and one Mal had been asking herself. Keeping her head in the same position, she darted a quick glance at Benson. Only to find that he was looking right at her.