Lord Falcor is banging his gavel like a crazy man, trying to regain order in the Hall and eventually it goes quiet enough for Xane to speak.

“How far along?” he asks.

“Two and a half months,” she says stiffly.

“Who can confirm this?” he asks, clearly not believing this for a second.

After a beat, a woman stands up and introduces herself as midwife to the House of Aldric. “I can,” she says.

Xane sneers at her and even Falcor looks dubious.

“Anyone else?” Xane asks, holding out his hands.

There are no takers and CeeCee pales. She can see that Xane isn’t buying it and now she is starting to panic.

I stand up and say, “Will the father please step forward.”

Xane and Falcor look at me like they had forgotten I was there, but then Xane steps back and takes my hand, allowing me to continue with whatever it is I am doing. What is that? you ask. Beats the shit out of me.

Time seems to stand still as we all wait for the father to make his claim and when he does, the Hall goes into a frenzy again.

“I am the father,” Sven says.

Xane and I look at each other in disbelief but then we both reach the same conclusion. This is good. This is very, very good for us.

I cast a glance at CeeCee and she doesn’t look surprised–or revolted–so I am going to assume it’s true or part of their ruse. I have to wonder as to that, because CeeCee was adamant that day she came to the house with her request to service Xane, that she was being shunned. This must have been a little fling that went too far.

Xane whispers to me, “Do you think you can confirm or deny?”

I look at him in surprise. “Me? How am I supposed to do that?”

“I don’t know, but Xerxei, this is a serious allegation.”

Allegation? Interesting choice of word.

“We cannot just take the House of Aldric’s word for it,” he adds.

Well, that is true.

“You have powers coming out of your wazoo. Just try something,” he says with a pointed look.

I don’t like his insinuation that I lie about this. I will try and see if I can sense a Demon essence, or whatever it is they call it. I doubt it, but hey, who knows, maybe I can pull a new Power out of the aforementioned wazoo.

I slowly step off the platform and all eyes turn to me, wondering what I am going to do. I look CeeC

ee in the eye, sensing she is scared, but not for herself. I can see that much just by using my eyes and no Power. I remember how I can sense my own little baby, a little buzz against my palm and I wonder if this will work on her. It’s as good an idea as any. I step closer to her and place my hand on her stomach and close my eyes. There is a hush as everyone waits for the verdict.

I, too, am waiting for the verdict, as I can’t feel fuck all. But I saw her fear and I am not going to let her down.

My eyes fly open as I feel something, only a slight vibration, but it’s all the confirmation that I need.

“She is pregnant,” I say to the Hall.

“Thank you,” CeeCee whispers to me but I turn my back on her. I might be trying to save her, at least for a time, but I cannot turn my back on Xane. He helps me back up onto the platform with a menacing glare, but I stand my ground. I feel awful enough about killing this woman, but an innocent baby along with her? No fucking chance in any World.

Lord Falcor bangs his gavel again and says, “My Lord, Lady, we should discuss this.” He marches off to his chambers and we follow as the noise gets louder behind us.

Falcor slams his door shut and turns to us. “What do we do now?” he asks. “I will not be part of an execution of an unborn child.”