I stick my tongue out at him. Might just be that the powder bombs have settled. I don’t risk it though and leave my mask in place. I push past Remiel and stalk down the hallway, leaving the Hunter to burn.

Several doors away from Cade’s room, I happen upon the very Hunter that approached me at the gates. He is bleeding out, his neck and abdomen torn open by a very angry Vampire. I have to pause to wonder which one.

“You,” I say, crouching down to look him in the face. “Who let you in?”

He keeps his lips sealed, but when I stick my hand in his gaping stomach wound and twist his guts, he screams and start speaking. “A-a V-vampire. A-a wo-woman. Blonde, like you.”

“What?” I ask, sideswiped. “A Vampire undid the wards?”

He nods weakly.

“Are you sure?”

He nods again.

“V-vengeful. Something about a trial.”

My blood runs cold. “You are after me?”

He nods again.

“Was her name Clementine?”

“I think so,” he stammers.

“Where is Cade? What are the magick sucking bombs made out of?”

“H-HQ,” he says, before he gurgles and dies at my feet.

“Dammit.” I wasn’t finished with him yet.

“Stand slowly and show me your hands,” another Hunter says steadily, coming at me from the darkness. He is brandishing a magick bomb in one hand and a stake in the other.

I am thankful for my gas mask now as I stand up. I almost feel sorry for this poor idiot. He has failed to sense, or see, my sire and he is about to wish he had never been born. “Not yet,” I say to Remiel, but the Hunter thinks I am talking to him.

“Right now,” he says. “I am on orders not to kill you, but no one said anything about a little harm.” He sneers at me and I roll my eyes.

“Really? That’s all you've got?” I ask sarcastically. “Cade is at your Hunter HQ?” I add.

“I am not telling you anything, filth,” he spits out and aims the stake somewhere in the region of my stomach.

“See, I think you are,” I tell him. “Cade?”

He growls at me and lets go of the stake, sending it flying at me. That’s when Remiel steps in. He grabs the stake out of the air and before the Hunter knows what is happening, he fires it back.

“No!” I shout out, but fortunately it buries itself in the Hunter’s thigh and he grunts loudly, clutching at it. “Thanks. We need him to talk.”

“I know,” Remiel says wryly and if he were the type, he would have rolled his eyes at me.

In a flash, I am pushing the Hunter up against the wall and gripping the stake. “Cade?” I ask again, twisting it slightly.

He screams like a girl but refuses to part ways with any information. He knows now I won’t kill him. But I scare the pants off him.

“This here is his sire. If I were you, I would start talking,” I say, gesturing towards Remiel with my head.

“I am not scared of any Vampire,” he grits out.

“No? Show him your fangs, darling.” I give him an evil smile.