And yet you have accepted the loss of Cole and Xane and Sebastian with little to no r

egard of the anguish you assume it’s going to cause.

“Shut the fuck up!” I scream at myself, only because I know I am right. Cole divorced me, Xane abandoned me and Sebastian died for fuck’s sake, and yet I am still standing. I am still here.

Transferring your feelings back to Frederick? To Vito?

“Oh, you seriously need a time-out, Missy,” I hiss at myself and turn from the mirror. Whatever happens next, one thing I need, and I need right now is my daughter. She can give me everything that I have been seeking all these years. True, unconditional love. She is the only thing that matters. Both of them. They are the only thing that matter. I need Delinda back. Dracul is just going to have to deal with it.

With purpose, I pick up my new cell phone and message Constantine to let me see Thia, here in my own home. He is welcome to stay if he has to, but I need to see her.

I wait for a reply, but nothing. Really?

I throw the phone on the bed in a fit of temper and get dressed in a pair of black trousers and a white silk blouse. Nice and sophisticated. It is about time I grew up and took responsibility for my own happiness instead of relying on all of these men to give it to me.

Feeling somewhat lighter and freer-and if I’m honest-happier than I have in what seems like ages, I pick my phone back up and dial. I feel I can speak civilly to him about our child.

It just rings out, so I try again. And again.


I frown. I am worried now.

I have no desires to go back to Ponte in case any of them got the wrong idea, but I can’t just abandon my daughter when she might need me. That trumps everything else. I focus and send myself into the Entrance Hall of the castle and nearly retch at the gory scene that befalls my eyes. Right before my mouth starts to water at the bloodshed

Chapter 11

Ponte, Italy, January 2015 - Aefre

“What the fuck...?” I shout out as all I see, scattered across the cold stone floor, is dead bodies and blood. The stench of the blood makes my nostrils flare, for all of a split second before I know.

“Hunters,” I growl and spin around. “Thia!”

“Thia!” I shriek as I head for the stairs, climbing over more dead bodies as I speed up to her bedroom. My heart is hammering in panic. I need to get to her. She is the only thing that matters.

I skid to a stop in front of her empty crib. “Nooo!” I cry out in anguish, leaning heavily on it. They have her.

“She-she safe,” a woman’s voice barely croaks out from behind the crib. “Ge too he...”


“Marguerite?” I cry out as I stumble around the crib and stop dead. She is lying in a pool of her own blood, her clothes are ripped to shreds, but more than that, her throat has been sliced from ear to ear. “Jesus!” I drop to my knees and put my hands on her throat. Why is she not healing?

“What happened?” I ask her. She opens her mouth to respond, but I shake my head. “Never mind. Don’t speak.” I remove one of my hands and tear away the fabric of my sleeve. I wad it up and shove it on her wound. She is spurting blood and I am starting to panic. What in the Hell happened here? I glance around and that’s when my stomach twists even more. I didn’t notice before in all the blood, but Marguerite’s skirt is up around her waist and she is missing her underwear. I swallow and push her hem down, unable to avoid her eyes. Her wide brown eyes find mine and show her humiliation, but I shake my head again. “It’s okay,” I say calmly. “It’s okay. Let’s get you out of here.”

She tries to nod, but the pain slices across her face. Instead, she steadies her breath and pushing my hands out of the way, she takes over holding the bloodied shirtsleeve and staggers to her feet, gripping onto the crib for dear life. She slips in her own blood and I grab her elbow. Now isn’t the time for heroics.

I close my eyes and transport us back to Cassis. I land in the sitting room and find it full of people. My people. My eyes find Thia, snuggled safely in her father’s arms and I relax slightly. I help Marguerite to the sofa; all eyes go to her and her sorry state.

“I see you all got away safe and sound,” I say stiffly. “Nobody think to help Marguerite?” I add viciously.

“Lizzie, thank fuck,” Devon breathes and then sits next to Marguerite to take her hand. She pulls away from him and he gazes at her in consternation.

“Get away from her,” I bark. He leaps up, doing as I say instantly.

“Aefre,” Constantine says, holding out Thia to me. I take her straight away and check she is all in one piece.

“Tell me,” I say shortly.