“Well, he isn’t here,” I state once again. “Either talk to me or leave.” I point to the double doors, so she knows exactly where to go. Bitch. I can’t stand her!

“I will speak with the Head of the Council and no one else,” she says, crossing her arms.

“Then get out of my house,” I say boldly.

Her eyes go wide, and I can see the flash of jealousy that goes across her face. I smile smugly at her as her mouth drops open.

“Our daughter was arrested for creating a Rogue! We need to get her back,” Jeffrey suddenly blurts out, agitated beyond belief. I’m not surprised. Dealing with this witch would do that to a person.

“A Rogue?” I ask, as his words catch up with me. I scrunch my face up; we are entering dodgy territory here.

“Yes,” Clem replies stiffly. “Now do you see my urgency.”

“I do, but I am sorry. There is nothing I can do to help you. Constantine isn’t here and I don’t know when he will be back. But the law is s

imple: no Rogues.” I shake my head. What else can I say? I won’t give them false hope as it has fuck all to do with me now. CK and Remiel make and enforce the rules.

Devon gives me a look that screams ‘stay out of this’, but I open mine to shout out, “Remiel!”

He shakes his head at me, and I mentally do the same. What am I doing here?

“Yes?” Remiel asks, appearing out of nowhere and causing Clem to turn on her rivers of charm.

She extends her hand and introduces herself, getting as close to him as she possibly can to try and seduce him, it appears. Remiel though, is not the kind of man that tactics like that work on. He steps back with a fierce frown and glares at her.

“What is this?” he asks me.

“Clementine and Jeffrey would like to speak to the Head of the Council,” I explain.

“Then make an appointment. I do not take kindly to strangers barging in making demands,” he says.

I hide my smile at Clem’s face. I don’t think she has ever been turned down flat like that in her life. “I am not a stranger!” she cries out. “Constantine is my sire!”

“And?” Remiel asks. “He is not here. Clearly.” He gestures around to show CK’s absence.

“Please, we need your help,” Jeffrey tries. “Our daughter has been arrested; we need to get her back.”

“Arrested for what?” Remiel asks, despite himself.

“Creating a Rogue,” I pipe up.

Remiel gives me a look that bores straight through my head. “The laws are quite clear. Creating a Rogue is against them. She is where she is supposed to be and there is nothing that I can do about it.”

“No!” Clem cries. “You have to release her! She didn’t mean to do it!” Finally, the cracks are starting to show. She does care.

“It was an accident,” Jeffrey adds.

“You cannot accidentally create a Rogue,” Remiel states flatly.

I chew my lip because that isn’t entirely true. Gustav was a complete accident, but Remiel doesn’t know about that. Neither does Clem or Jeffrey or anyone alive outside of Devon, Cole and CK. Devon avoids my eyes and I his, as I stare intently at Remiel instead.

“Is that so?” Clem drawls with her eyes on me and I gulp and feel myself go red. She knows? How the fuck does she know? I will kill CK for blabbing about this to her of all people.

Remiel then looks at me. Hard. It does nothing to alleviate the blush on my cheeks. “There were extenuating circumstances. Lance.” I add quietly, knowing that he has all of Lance’s memories buried in there somewhere because of his time in the Spirit Realm when he overtook every dead Vampire to have crossed over.

He growls at me and I praise the old gods that CK chooses that exact moment to appear next to my side.

“What is this?” he barks out, clearly in no mood for guests.