I take a step forward, desperate to reach her. My legs bru

sh against my own white gown so I bunch it up in my hand so that I can walk quicker.

“You!” A vicious scream suddenly breaks the serenity. “I killed you!” Jess shrieks at me. She is fighting with beings in dark clothes. I can just make them out in the growing mist that is swirling around her. “I did it! I killed you!” Her triumphant cry makes me frown.

“I…” I pause as a stabbing in my chest makes me catch my breath. I look down to see blood is dripping down the beautiful white dress. “I…”

“Emmie, look at me.”

My eyes snap up immediately at the familiar deep voice with the lilting, Scottish accent.

“Fraser,” I say with a sigh and a smile, forgetting about the pain as I see my lost love. Really see him. Not the Other World version, but my version. My Fraser. He is dressed in a kilt, his long black hair braided from one side of his head, across the top to fall at the other side in a neat queue. “Fraser!” I exclaim and stumble a bit further forward.

“Come to me, Emmie,” he says holding his hand out.

I glance at it and then back to the screaming Jess. She laughs manically as our eyes lock, causing her to sound insane. She is now almost consumed by the dark figures, as they wrestle her to the ground.

“Aghhh!” she screams in pain, as they subdue her, entering her and shoving her through the mist on the ground to a place I don’t even want to think about.

That makes me remember the light. Am I dead? Am I supposed to walk towards the light?

I feel the shock go through me as I clutch at the still gaping wound on my chest. Blood coats my hand, but Fraser just smiles at me. That perfect curving of his full lips, his forest green eyes dancing with happiness.

“Come to me, Emmie,” he says again, holding out his hand. “Come to me, take my hand and we can be together.”

I don’t need asking again. This is just what I always wanted. For us to be together again.

I smile at him and walk another couple of steps forward.

“Aefre! Aefre! Come back to me! Please, my sweet, please!”

This voice in the back of my head makes me stop again with a frown. I shake my head and focus on Fraser.

“Aefre, please, please don’t leave me.”

I stop again, my frown deepening.

Constantine. He wants me to go to him.

I glance behind me, but all I can see now is the thick mist swirling around me.

“Emily, come to me,” Fraser says sternly.

I look back at him, undecided. “I…” I croak out. “What…”

“Aefre, my sweet.” Constantine’s voice is a weep.

I don’t understand.

I am so confused.

Where do I go? To my dead husband or my alive one?


“Yes, Emily. It’s me. Take my hand and we can be together forever, as it was meant to be. Come.” He beckons me towards him, but I falter.

“You’re dead,” I stutter. “Does this mean, I am dead too?”