It only belatedly occurs to me that I have no claim on him. Yeah, we fucked yesterday, but that was it. My jealousy is completely unfounded and yet it is there as deep and as angry as if it had been CK or Devon, or in fact Lincoln, that I had seen with her.

That says a lot and it is something I am going to have to deal with. Just not now. I am still too angry with him to go after him and demand an explanation - that he actually has no reason to give me. That makes me even angrier.

Only the soothing presence of my baby girl can calm me down, so I make my way back to Thia and she is awake now and crying in such sorrow. I pick her up and take her hand and frown at it. I hate that she must wear these fire-resistant gloves. It’s not fair on her, poor thing. I take her to the changing table and lay her down gently. One by one, I unwrap her hands, placing the gloves in the pocket of my white, silky robe for safe keeping.

“There,” I say to her, letting her grip my index finger. “Isn’t that better?”

I hiss as I feel the heat spark on her palm, but I don’t let her go. I show her that I trust her and smile down at her little face.


“Aefre!” CK warns me, appearing out of nowhere.

“Go,” I say, wanting to be alone with her. “I’ve got this.”

He hovers worriedly for a minute, until I turn to give him a look that makes him back out. “She’s anxious,” he says quietly.

Oh, that’s why he came in. He can sense her emotions. Much like he used to be able to do with me until we became exes in the Vampire sense.

“It’s okay,” I coo at her. “She won’t hurt her Mama.” To show him, and her, that I’m not afraid of being set on fire, I take her other hand in mine and let her grab my finger. She waves her hands up and down with a look of joy on her face.

“See, she’s happy now,” I say in the same soothing tone. “Yes, she is.”

“Be careful,” CK whispers and backs out.

“No need,” I keep cooing at her. “All she wants is a little freedom. Don’t you, sweet girl? Yes, that’s all you want.”

I pick her up and jiggle her gently as she squeals in delight. I tickle her tummy, thoroughly pleased with myself for making her so happy.

We make it downstairs to the kitchen, without a fiery incident, to find a bottle all made up and ready to go for her.

I scoop it up and place it in her mouth letting her suckle furiously as I make my way into the library. Devon has been noticeably absent since I arrived back, as has Lincoln.

As I assumed, I find them both in there sipping on Bourbon and whispering among themselves.

“Lizzie!” Devon calls to me as I enter. “How did things go?”

“Terribly, but we got Cade back,” I say. “How come you are only just asking me now? I’ve been home hours.”

“Sorry, I guess I figured you needed a few hours to sort your shit out,” he says with a shrug.

I frown at him and then at Lincoln. “And your excuse?”

“I was outside trying to avoid that new houseguest,” he says, his ears turning pink.

Devon snickers and it makes me even more angry at him. “She is a poisonous, low-class whore. Stay away from her,” I bark at them both.

Thia must have cottoned onto my mood, because she suddenly spits out her bottle and extends her hand. A stream of fire flies out of her palm to set alight the potted fern right next to Devon’s head.

He dives off his chair, rolling forward and coming up in a low crouch with a thunderous look on his face. “What the fuck?” he demands. “She nearly burnt me to death.”

“Hardly,” I scoff, taking Thia’s hand and covering it with my own. “She was aiming for the fern.” Of course I defend my little bundle of joy.

Devon gives me a sour look. “Why are her hands free in the first place?”

“Because it isn’t fair to bind her powers, even with the gloves. How would you like it if you suddenly lost your powers?” I ask him with a pointed look.

“I can control mine,” he growls at me.