His black eyes came back to mine with a sparkle. “And I love you.” His mouth claimed mine in a kiss so sweet, it contradicted the aggressive behavior he exhibited just moments before.

“That’s better,” I said with a small smile.

He returned it and took my hand, placing it on his manhood. “Take care of this,” he demanded.

“As you wish, sir,” I whispered seductively, clutching him in my hand and tugging until he reached his full size. I let him go so that he could remove his long, black coat and white shirt. I admired his cold, pale body. It was like he was carved out of marble by one of the masters themselves. I ached to run my fingers over the scar that he wore over his heart, but he would bite my hand off if I tried. My eyes lingered on it momentarily anyway.

“You are beautiful,” I murmured to his delight.

“Kiss me,” he choked out.

I obliged. I knew he never kissed other women. I knew he was never gentle with other women. It made it even more special that it was kept especially for me.

“I love you, Frederick,” I murmured against his lips.

“I love you, Aefre. I always will. Nothing will ever change that. Nothing,” he said fiercely. “I need you to remind me how you see me.”

“I will,” I promised. “I will always see you as my protector, a man who would die for me, a good man.”

He sighed and took my mouth again in a soft kiss. “Always,” he muttered.

Chapter 1

The Underworld, October 2014 - Devon

“Lizzie!” he calls out, as he lands next to Constantine and Remiel. “What’s wrong?” he exclaims when he sees his sire knelt on the ground, cradling Sebastian’s head on her lap. She has erected a force field around herself that is shimmering an eerie silver and black. Her head is bowed, and it looks like she has been crying.

Devon grabs Constantine’s arm, who is standing stock-still, and shakes him. “What is going on?” he demands.

“We killed him,” Constantine says shortly. Vacantly. “He came wanting to take Aefre and Delinda away with him, so…so we killed him.”

“We?” Devon presses, looking away from Constantine’s stunned face back to Lizzie.

“We,” Remiel interjects. “We had our revenge.”

“No,” Devon says, shaking his head in horror and pointing at the scene in front of him. “No, she didn’t want this! She wanted to move on and forget all about it. She didn’t want him dead! What have you done?” He lets go of Constantine and walks forward, as far as the force field will allow him.

“Lizzie,” he says quietly. “Look at me.”

She doesn’t. She just continues to stare at Sebastian, dead, in her lap.

“Lizzie,” Devon says again. “Elizabeth, look at me.”

She ever so slowly turns her head towards him. Her eyes are bloodshot, and her face is pale.

“Come to me,” he says, holding out his hand for her.

“I can’t,” she whispers. “I have to wait here.” She turns her head away from him again. He looks desperately back at Constantine, who is no help whatsoever.

“Is Delinda inside?” Devon asks Remiel, assuming the ancient Vampire has a bit more composure about him.

“Yes,” he replies.

“Good,” Devon says with a nod and turns back to Lizzie. “Lizzie, Delinda needs you inside now. Drop the force field and come to me.”

She hesitates for a moment, but the pull of her child in need is too strong, so he watches as she kisses Sebastian’s forehead and then carefully places his head on the ground and stands up. She approaches the edge of the force field and, then, she just steps through it. It wobbles slightly at the disruption but holds.

Devon gives her a querying look.