I don’t need asking twice, and I don’t even stop to ask if CK is going to leave, I just haul Ramon to me and push him down to his knees. I drop too and my fangs are already in his neck before he can blink. I take my fill, his hot, sticky, sweet-tasting blood soothing my thirst, and I release him. CK helps me to my feet and I look up in surprise. He has never been one to hang around and watch before. What I see in his eyes thrills me and comforts me both at the same time. They have flashed red with jealousy, but the desire is there in spades. They return to normal as I lick my lips and he kisses me, swirling his tongue around my mouth, ignoring Ramon completely.

“Shall we?” he asks, pulling away, indicating the library.

“Yes,” I say and lead the way, hoping that whatever is going on with him is temporary and that he will soon be back to the man I know.

Delinda is pouting at us after two rounds of snap, in which CK cheated.

“Not fair,” she complains. “I don’t have Vampire speed.”

“And CK shouldn’t have used it,” I tell her, giving him a death stare.

He smiles beatifically at us and shuffles the cards for another round.

“It’s inherent, I can’t help it,” he says with a shrug.

“Well try,” I say through gritted teeth.

“When do I get to be a Vampire?” Delinda asks.

“You don’t,” I say.

“But everyone else is. You, Daddy, Cee-Kay, Papa, and that baby.” She points an accusatory little finger at my belly bump.

“This baby it only part Vampire,” I explain to her. “She cannot be a full Vampire as that is not possible.”

“Why not?” she asks, crinkling up her nose.

“Because Vampires are made not born. They are immortal, frozen in time, never aging. How would she grow if she were all Vampire?” I say.

“Oh,” she says with a sniff. “I don’t get it.”

“Neither do I,” CK says with a look of solidarity at Delinda.

“It’s hard to explain,” I say. “She craves blood and probably has fangs, but the rest, I don’t know.”

“So, she’s a mystery that we can solve,” Delinda says. “When is she coming?”

“I don’t know,” I reply.

“But we will have to be back in the Fae kingdoms by then. Daddy will want to see her,” Delinda presses.

I exchange a look with CK, and he takes my hand, joining our fingers together. I had wondered what she thought of this and now I know. She thinks the baby is Sebastian’s. It makes sense but I have to set her straight. On a few things.

“Err,” I say, wondering where to start.

Delinda is scowling fiercely at our linked hands and I try to pull away, but CK stops me.

“Err,” I say again. “Delinda, you should know that CK and I are married and that this baby is ours.” I feel my cheeks blush as her scowl increases.

“But you said you were just friends,” she says to CK. “And Daddy said you were married to him,” she adds to me.

“Yes, your mother and I are friends. Best friends. But we are also husband and wife,” CK says smoothly and Delinda gets a look of annoyance on her face that she was outsmarted by an omission.

“And I was married to Daddy in a manner of speaking, but not anymore,” I say brightly, hoping she will bypass it.

No such luck.

“Why not?” she asks. “Because of him?” The pointing finger makes another appearance, this time directed at CK, who stifles his choke of amazement that she could dare to be so rude to his face.