He groans again and is on his knees in an instant. He delves his fingers into her soaking wet pussy and then drags them out over her tiny puckered hole. He inserts one finger in, lubricating her, as he pulses slowly. She gasps and drops her head to the bed, her ass going up even higher. He positions himself against her, his cock coated with juice, and he pushes himself inside her gently. She cries out, but it only encourages him. He shoves himself inside up to the hilt and it excites him when she brings her hand up to play with herself.

“Oh, yes, baby,” he breathes as he pumps in and out of her. “Oh, fuck, yes.” He brings his beautiful Lizzie to his mind and it makes him go even harder.

She screams his name as he increases his speed, slamming his hips against her. He shoots his load in the next second and he feels her shudder as she lets go.

“You are so fucking sexy,” he says as he withdraws and kisses her on her ass cheek.

“So are you,” she murmurs.

He lies back and she climbs off the bed.

“Where are you going?” he asks, almost impressed that she is ditching him before he could kick her out, but also slightly disappointed. She is a wild cat. She jumped him before they even got to the pool.

“If my uncle catches me here, he will blast me into the middle of Hell,” she says with a dazzlin

g smile. “And I won’t be coming back.”

“Uncle,” he says, nodding his head in resignation. Fuck, he is so dead if Xane finds out about this. At least she wasn’t a virgin, that would have made it ten times worse.

“I want to see you again,” she says, but he shakes his head.

“Not a good idea, sweetheart,” he says. “Your uncle practically lives here.”

“Then come over to mine,” she says. “I want you to do that to me again.”

“Which part?” he asks brazenly.

“All of it, especially the part with...” She taps her backside and he feels himself get hard all over again.

“Like that, did you?” he asks darkly. He has never fucked a Demon before, and he sees the appeal in it. Maybe that is because his own Demonic nature has come to the forefront now that his Vampire is gone.

She nods eagerly, but then gives him a little wave and off she scampers as he watches her.

He makes himself more comfortable on the bed and finds peace with himself. He wasn’t sure of his place here anymore, but he belongs here. With Elizabeth, yes, but also here in the Underworld. It is his heritage and he is eager to learn more. He wonders idly if Xyla would help him discover more about his Demon lineage. Unfortunately, that then leads to thoughts about Cole and he feels sad again. He misses him. It has only been a few hours, but it feels like weeks. He wonders if Cole feels the same or has totally forgotten about them all by now. Devon knows that he has gone back to his ex and his child. He doesn’t blame Cole for doing that, but he hopes that Lizzie doesn’t find out. It will hurt her, and he is sick of her being hurt by all of these jerks. He knows he is also a major jerk; he still can’t believe the shame of what he has done to her, but it’s all better now. She has forgiven him, and she has sworn her love and loyalty to him as he has to her. They have much to look forward to and discover with their new lives, he just hopes that she doesn’t get destroyed by all of this fighting over her and baby business. It’s sickening to Devon, and he hates that she takes it on the chin. She should just tell them all where to go and disappear with him for a while and let them sort their own selves out for a change. He knows it will never happen, but he can dream. But he vows that no matter what comes her way, he will stay by her side as he has done all of these years, and he will be the one that she can always count on, because he knows before the end of all this comes, it is going to get a lot worse and she is going to need him.

Devon climbs off the bed with his new resolve and gets in the shower. He can’t get enough of being able to feel the heat and he turns it up until his skin has gone red. Another thing he can’t get enough of is food. He used to eat as a Vampire, but it was only bits and pieces and he never really enjoyed it. But now he just wants to eat everything in sight. His stomach growls as he thinks of food, and he hastily gets dressed.

A cold shiver goes over him as he spots Jess’s brush on his dresser. He never loved her. He didn’t even really care. Not for the first time, he wonders if he is deficient in this area somehow. Even as a human he never loved anyone, not even his parents. They were simple people, but Devon had grand ideas. All of his dreams came true the day he met Elizabeth and he never looked back. He felt nothing when Lizzie had hesitantly told him that she had killed his parents. In fact, if he recalls, he laughed at her for being so concerned about telling him and then declared it was time to Hunt. The thought of Hunting brings his thought back to food and he heads downstairs to forage up what he can in the way of actual food. Someone needs to go shopping for sure. He wonders if there are even shops down here. It wasn’t exactly a priority before. Do Demons eat? He has never seen Xane take a bite, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. As he comes up empty-handed, to his utter dismay, he goes off to ask next door if someone can give him a lift to get food. Then it occurs to him for the first time that he is a half Demon, or half Dragon twice removed–whatever. That has to be more powerful, doesn’t it? Surely, he can do this himself now. He closes his eyes and thinks about the house in England. If he can get there, he can drive to the market and get back here without causing panic by just popping up out of nowhere in the middle of the store. If he can do this. So far, he hasn’t gone anywhere. He huffs in frustration and tries again. He thinks about the house, about making love to Elizabeth there, and all of a sudden, he feels a strange feeling wash over him and to his absolute delight he finds himself in the guest room where he was with Lizzie the last time.

This is going to be so awesome!

He finally has some actual powers of his own to parade about. Maybe losing his Vampire wasn’t the worst thing to ever happen to him. He Astraports himself off to the garage with a whoop of delight and he climbs into the McLaren with a smile on his face. The weight he has been carrying around with him for months has finally been lifted, and he can feel his old self returning. He knows that Elizabeth will also see it, and he knows that she will be glad.

Chapter 6

The Underworld, March 2014 – Aefre

I don’t think of myself as “Liv” anymore. I am Aefre. The only two people who ever really called me Liv since all of this started are both gone from my life. I take a moment to mourn the loss of Cole and Lincoln and then brush it away. I haven’t got time to dwell on things that cannot be changed. I now have to focus on getting Remiel to tell me about my daughter and taking me to her. But, first things, I am going to have to tell dear old Dad. He is probably going to be furious, but his Kingdom is the only place that she will be safe from my mother. I gather up my courage as I sit in my desk chair in the library and then I stand, ready to Astral off to Earth and the Faerie Ring. Aeval doesn’t seem to want to come out and play without Sebastian around, so trying to use that puffy thing is not an option. Stubborn little so-and-so.

I close my eyes, ready to go, when someone walks into the library and interrupts me.

“I let myself in,” CeeCee says casually.

I open my eyes and glare at her. “How incredibly rude of you,” I snarl.

“Worried I might catch you in the arms of another man?” she asks smartly, and I am this close to ripping her eyes out. Well I say “I,” but I suppose I really mean Xerxei. Man, she does not like this woman one bit.

“Say what you came to say and then get out,” I spit at her, trying to remain calm.