“Did it work?” he asks, ignoring my huffy tone.

“Yes,” I say. “I think it did. He is going to return to me soon.”

He slowly nods his head. “Then you must be prepared to push him, Xerxei. This obsession with getting to your daughter has to end.”

“Obsession?” I yell at him. “I thought you were supporting me?”

“I am,” he says calmly and takes my hands, probably so I don’t fire some Faerie magick at him and fry his circuits. Again. “But it has taken over your life, my love. Do you see that?”

“Yes,” I say eventually, hating to admit when everyone is right. “I get it. But do you get how important this is to me?”

“Of course, I do,” he says. “And I will tell you again how much I love you and I will love your daughter as my own…”

If you pick me. He leaves that bit out, but it was nicely played. He knows how to charm a girl, that’s for sure.

Chapter 6

Two days later, I am still at Xane’s house. CK has tried repeatedly to get to me, but I threw up some wards around the house and watched in amusement as he tried to get through them and couldn’t.

Xerxei is a bit of a mean bitch, it must be said. I have been ordering people around left and right, demanding the most ridiculous things just to see if the servants could produce them. As a result, everyone is currently avoiding me, except for Xane. He couldn’t be more delighted to have me abuse my station and he is being very attentive, bringing me everything my heart desires.

Right now, my heart desires him. I have recuperated and I am ready to get back on the horse, or Demon, as it were. He has told me he can wait, but I plan on seducing the leather pants off him as soon as he walks in the door.

I lounge on the bed, waiting for him in one of my racier sets of lingerie. I have already tried the sensual, sultry approach, but he refused me, so now I am going all out. Literally, in my crotchless panties and nippleless bra. I have added six-inch spiked heels and a riding crop to complete the look. I position myself in as sexy a manner as I can and then get the shock of my life when the door gets blown off its hinges in a blood-red cloud of raw power and lands over by the fireplace, with Xane landing on top of it with a loud expletive.

“What the fuck?” I ask, kneeling on the bed, mouth agape at my husband sprawled unceremoniously by the hearth. I look back at the doorway and CK strides in looking like a wrathful god, if wrathful gods wore three-thousand-dollar suits.

“Nice try, Aefre,” he says, straightening his cuffs, “but not even those fucking Demon-bitch wards you set will keep me away from you.”

Well, as entrances go, this was up there with the best of them. I have gone all mushy over him and when I say “I” I mean Xerxei, so you know how unbelievably sexy I find this. But as a good and loving wife, I climb off the bed to help Xane up. He is looking rather singed and I wonder what power CK has, now, that did this to the Demon Overlord.

CK is at my side in an instant and he grabs my arm so tightly, I am sure I heard the bone break. I can’t feel it as it has gone numb from the sheer strength of his grip.

“Home time,” he says and without another word Teleports me, kicking and screaming, next door to my own house.

We land in our bedroom and he looks down at me, raking his harsh gaze over my ensemble. “I always did have good timing,” he says with a sneer before he slashes my palm open with his godforsaken claws. I scream as it hurts like a motherfucker, but he does the same to himself and smashes our palms together as he starts to say the ritual. He gets through it once and snarls, “Say it, Aefre, or I swear I will bleed you until you do.” It is the right thing to say. The thought of him slashing at me indefinitely is not an appealing one, so with bad grace I start to mutter the ritual. The magick wind picks up and swirls around us, keeping us in the eye of the storm and holding back Xane, who has turned up to get me back.

As the ritual starts to work, I can feel Aefre pushing to the front and I see the triumph in CK’s eyes as I Shift back to my natural form. We both finish the ritual and the wind dies down and he pulls his hand away from mine.

“Better,” he says just this side of insulting, and then stalks out of the bedroom, leaving me gaping after him.

“Are you okay?” Xane asks. “What did he do to you?”

“He brought Aefre back,” I say, indicating myself.

“Too bad,” Xane says. “You look ravishing in that outfit.”

I giggle and look down at myself. I had adjusted it to fit this form when I Shifted, but this bra isn’t really made for small-breasted women. I look ridiculous. I Astral on something more appropriate, a vest top and mini skirt, and say, “Well, he did leave us alone.”

Xane looks to the door where CK has exited and then back at me. “So he did,” he says wickedly.

He comes closer and kisses me gently, cupping my face. I am just getting into it when Cade clears his throat from the doorway.

I pull back and glare at him. “What?” I ask rudely.

“I need to speak to you,” he says, waving an A4-sized envelope in my face.

“Whatever you want to say, you can say in front of Xane,” I say.