“Fine,” he says. “I will be back tomorrow.” He Teleports off and I am now even more upset with him for not sticking around to fight some more to take me home with him. I am a pathetic mess right now.

Xane pats my hand and tucks me tighter under the duvet. He clicks his fingers and lights a roaring fire in the fireplace and then hands me a Scotch to top it all off.

“Get some rest,” he says. “I will check in on you later.”

He bends to kiss me, and I linger over it, thinking I could get used to him looking after me. I sink into the puffy pillows and close my eyes in bliss. Yes, I could definitely get used to this.

My eyes fly open and I shake my head. That is Xerxei. In fact, all of this has been Xerxei since I got here. I do a quick calculation and remember that it has been three weeks since CK and I did the ritual to keep Aefre as the dominant force, and right now she has been subdued by the Demon in me. Not that I am overly concerned with that at the moment, though. I drink my Scotch and then I close my eyes and drift off, where I dream about being with Remiel and our daughter in the Dragon Realms.

I awake not knowing if that was a dream or something that Remiel has concocted up for me. It is really hard to tell the difference on a good day, never mind when I am feeling the loss of the miscarriage and with my emotions all over the place. Either way, I can’t deny it was a good dream to hold my baby and I determine that I will get better quickly so that I can get back to trying to find her.

A knock at the door startles me and I call, “Come in.”

Sven peers around the corner and looks just as startled to see me in Xane’s bed. “Oh,” he says. “Xanthe told me I could find Xane up here.”

I try to hide the twist of my mouth. Of course she did. What better way to convince Sven this is real than for him to find me lounging in here like I own the place. “He’s not here,” I say and pull the covers up a little higher. I had swapped my white nightgown for a very slinky black negligee and currently my Xerxei-sized breasts are all but tumbling out of the thin fabric.

“Obviously,” he says, scanning the room, and then he steps inside and closes the door.

Erm, I am not happy with this arrangement. I am confident that I can fight him off if he advances on me, but I’d rather not in my current state.

“I am glad to run into you, actually,” he says and tries his hardest not to look at my chest. I pull the covers up even higher and he smirks at me. “I wanted to thank you,” he adds to my surprise.

“What for?” I ask.

“I know it was you who convinced Xane to give CeeCee a stay,” he says.

“Oh,” I say and wave my hand about it. “It was the only thing to do.”

“No, it wasn’t,” he says sadly. “You are merciful, and I thank you.”

“No worries,” I say and look away from his intense stare. “What?” I ask after a minute.

He comes closer and lowers his voice. “Can you help me save her?” he asks, twisting his hands.

“I…” is all I get out before Xane storms into the room with a face of thunder.

“Get away from my wife,” he snarls at Sven.

Sven holds his hands up. “I mean no harm; we were just talking.”

“It is a very inappropriate setting for conversation,” Xane says imperiously. “Xerxei is resting in bed.”

“I was looking for you,” Sven says.

“Well, I am here now. We’ll talk outside,” Xane says and ushers Sven out with a rough shove.

I watch them go and wonder how in the Underworld I am supposed to help save CeeCee.

Xane returns momentarily with a smile and crawls onto the bed next to me.

“Everything okay?” I ask

“Yep,” he says. “Everything okay with you?”

“Perfect now,” I smarm at him and he beams at me. He knows precisely what is going on and he is going to take full advantage of it.

“Mother is still looking at the curse,” he says.