
here have you been?” I snap at him.

He grinds his teeth together and then says, “I needed some time.”

“Time for what?” I ask.

“Stuff,” he says, and I sneer at him and turn my back to him.

“I needed you,” I accuse with tears in my eyes. “Where were you?”

“It looks like you are doing just fine without me,” he snarls at me and I turn back to him with incredulity.

“Fine? You think I am doing fine? Do you even know, or care for that matter, what has happened to me?” I shriek.

“Whatever it was, I am sure your husband has it well in hand,” he sneers at me.

“She lost her baby,” Xane says quietly and CK goes silent.

“What?” he asks quietly.

“Her baby. She was cursed and she lost it,” Xane says.

CK shakes his head in disbelief. “Baby? No, no. You didn’t say anything to me about a baby,” he says.

“She didn’t tell anyone,” Xane says.

I can see CK about to ask why, when the penny drops and his mouth sets into a grim line. “I see,” he says. “You don’t know.”

I shake my head and I can see the hurt on his face that he tries to hide, but he pushes it aside and comes around the bed to take my hand. “Aefre,” he says. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t here. Tell me what happened.”

I go into the tale and his face goes pale. “Targeted curse?” he asks. “Who would do this?”

“We don’t know yet,” Xane says and CK glares at him.

“Do you mind giving me some time with my wife?” he asks. “In fact, screw this. Aefre, we are going home.”

“No,” I say and pull my hands out of his. “You weren’t here when I needed you. Xane was.”

“I am here now,” he says. “Let me take you home where I can take care of you.”

“No,” I say defiantly. “I want to stay here.”

“Aefre,” he says to me in that tone that makes me think he is warning me.

“Just for a little while. Please. I need time,” I say.

“Time for what?” he asks.

“Stuff,” I say with a grimace, which he returns.

“Aefre, come home,” he says.

“No,” I say again and to push my point even further, I Shift into Xerxei and his eyes go black.

“You should leave now,” Xane says, stepping in to do the husband duty now that I am sitting here as his wife.

CK doesn’t take his eyes off me and he can see my resolve and how upset I am with him.