“I miss you too. I am here for a couple of days. I hope that’s okay?” I ask him.

“This is your home,” he says to me. “You do not need to ask permission to come.”

And that is another reason I came.

“Thank you, Daddy,” I say to him and he grins at me.

“Your timing couldn’t be better. We are having a feast tonight,” he says.

“Excellent,” I say with a smile. “I am starving.”

He looks down at me, amazed. “You really have lost that Vampire, haven’t you?”

“Yep,” I say and pat his arm. “Can I go and rest for a bit? We can catch up later.”

“Of course,” he says. “I will send Tabetha up to attend to you later.”

I smile my thanks and make my own way up to my very own bedroom. I am really looking forward to climbing into bed alone and having nothing to worry about except getting dressed for the feast.

But no sooner do I turn the corner on the stairs, do I run into Vito.

“Hi,” I say, coming to a halt.

“Hi,” he says back. “I don’t really understand that greeting,” he adds with a puzzled frown.

I laugh at him gently and step into his proffered arms. “It’s good to see you,” I say.

“And you,” he replies. “Is there something amiss to bring you here?”

“Yes, try everything,” I say. “I have run away from my life for a day or so. I just want to be able to think straight.”

“Oh,” he says and steps back. “I will leave you to your thoughts then, Princess.”

I take his hand and lead him into my bedroom. He pauses and looks over his shoulder. “Your father will kill me,” he says.

“I intend only on sleeping, but I would like it if you held me,” I say.

“I can do that,” he says and helps me onto the bed. “I find it very strange that you are not a Vampire anymore.”

“Me too, but I don’t want to talk about it, or anything else to do with me,” I say and snuggle against him as he wraps his massive arms around me. I sigh happily and within seconds I am drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

When I awake, Vito is still next to me, also sleeping. I stay in his arms as I feel more rested than I have in years. His presence seems to have a calming effect on me. I wonder if that is because he is Dark Fae? Just another question to add to the hundreds that I want answers to. I feel slightly queasy as I put my hand on my stomach and remember the magick that the baby used. It stands to reason that she would have Dark Fae magick, but that much without being completely Dark Fae seems slightly impossible. Could it be that the father is in fact lying in my arms right now? By the old gods, I hope not. Drake will have an apoplexy, not to mention my husband, well, husbands. I think I may be more scared of Sebastian’s reaction than CK’s should it turn out to be true. I push it to one side, as it is something that I came here to forget for a while.

Vito stirs as I climb off the bed and without waiting for Tabetha, I start to get ready. I pull on a new gown with laces in the front that I can tie off myself and when I have finished, I turn to find Vito watching me with hooded eyes.

“By the gods, I have missed watching you do that,” he murmurs.

I smile at him and he climbs off the bed. “It was a long time ago,” I say quietly.

“Too long,” he says. “I haven’t stopped loving you, Aefre.”

“I am not the same now, Vito. Everything has changed,” I say.

“I haven’t,” he says stubbornly.

I take my hand and trace his face with my fingers. “You have. Your eyes say it all,” I say.

He brushes my hand aside but then grips my fingers and kisses them. “There is no chance for us now, is there?” he asks carefully.