She shrugs it off, not worried.

“Aefre,” he says to her and she avoids looking at him. “She left him.”

He always knew three words could change a woman’s life, but he never thought those three could destroy a woman in quite such a way. She clings to her composure by her fingernails and offers him a shaky smile.

“I see,” she says stiffly. “Well, who am I to stand in the way of their reunion?”

“You are his wife, you deserve more respect than this,” he says, now completely happy to turn the tide on his sire.

“No, I probably don’t. I hurt him, Seb. I should know well enough by now that when I do that, he will find a way to get back at me tenfold,” she says sadly.

He goes to her and holds her as she tries desperately not to weep. “I will never hurt you,” he whispers. “I have told you a thousand times, Aefre. I love you.” It hasn’t missed his attention that she hasn’t Shifted into Aeval when he touched her. She must have found a way to control it.

She doesn’t say anything. He didn’t expect her to; he just wants her to know that he isn’t Constantine. She tilts her head up to his and he doesn’t know if this is her pain or if she really wants him to take her, but he doesn’t care. It has been so long since they made love. The disaster at their wedding was very unfulfilling and the quick fuck they had in the library had all been about urgency. He hasn’t had the opportunity to take his time with her in months. He drops his mouth to hers and she twists her tongue around his and he is happy to just kiss her for the moment. He doubts that Constantine will be up any time soon. Not that he thinks anything will happen with Clem, but he knows Constantine will want to punish Aefre. He opens the door and walks her back into the bedroom and over to the bed. She freezes and shakes her head and his heart sinks.

“Not here,” she says and then leads him out of the room and down the hallway to her old room.

Even better. He had wanted to take her in the bed she shares with Constantine, but defiling his shrine to her is so much more satisfying.

He undresses her slowly and she lets him kiss her all over her body as he sheds her clothes. He teases her nipples with his tongue and her moans of delight spur him on. Soon she is completely naked and his eyes roam hungrily over her, taking in every inch of her. He can see her attitude change at his look and he knows that she isn’t thinking about Constantine anymore. It pleases Sebastian a lot to know that he can make her forget. He just wishes it were permanent. He hastily gets rid of his own clothes and then she pushes him to the bed and straddles him. She kisses him deeply and his cock twitches against her. Without a word, she slides him inside her and she rides him slowly as she looks deep into his eyes, seeing his very essence that he has laid bare for her. He places his hands lightly on her ass and squeezes so she will ride him harder. She obliges him and he stifles his moan of pleasure. He feels the markings on his back start to twirl and her own Fae markings move in response. They were born for each other in the truest sense, and he wants her to believe it too. He lies back and lets her do all of the work for a moment, just so he can see her on top of him, fucking him, soaking his cock in her juices as she comes all over him. He sighs in contentment, wishing it could be like this fo

rever, but then he grabs her and flips her over onto her back as she squeaks in surprise and he rams her so hard she cries out. He feels her whole body vibrating with the intensity of their connection to each other and when he finally lets go it is the best orgasm he has had in a long, long time. He moans into her hair as it goes on and on and she wraps her legs around him to keep him close.

They lay spent in each other’s arms and he knows that time is running out now. Constantine will know he is here and what they are up to. He is surprised that they weren’t interrupted, he half expected his sire to barge in on them in the throes of passion, but then it occurs to him that Constantine probably wouldn’t be able to help himself to see both of his lovers naked and wrapped around each other. And that is something he will never, ever give Aefre, no matter many times she asks him. He finds himself grateful for his sire’s convictions in this area, but now that they are done, he will be up here very soon.

Aefre must come to the same conclusion as she climbs off the bed and gathers her clothes to her. “I should get showered,” she says.

He nods, knowing that no matter what he says it won’t affect her decision to leave him. “I love you,” he says anyway.

She nods and just once he wishes that she would just tell him back. He knows she feels it, she has to. She Astrals off, leaving him alone for all of about ten seconds before Constantine arrives as expected.

“Humph,” he says rudely as he sees Sebastian lounging on the bed.

Sebastian just smiles at him as he casually gets up and starts to get dressed.

“You have some nerve,” Constantine says to him, slamming the door closed. “This is our home.”

“And yet you bring your first love here and flaunt her in Aefre’s face,” Sebastian remarks.

“Clementine is not my first love,” Constantine hisses. “Is that what you told Aefre? Is that how you got her into your bed?”

“Well, technically it is her bed, and yes I did. She needs to know the truth seeing as you never seem to tell her anything.”

Sebastian watches as his lifelong friend goes apoplectic, but he isn’t sorry for what he told Aefre.

“You know that isn’t true,” Constantine manages to say before he completely Vamps out. “You know Aefre is the only woman I have ever loved.”

“Yes, after you met her. You have over fifteen hundred years’ worth of other women before her, remember? Besides, you say that you love her, and yet you tell her she is Clem’s Substitute? How do you expect her to feel after that?” He is playing with fire, but he honestly doesn’t care now. This is war.

“She knows I didn’t mean it,” Constantine says and in the blink of an eye he is back to his calm, controlled self.

“No, she doesn’t really,” Sebastian says.

“Then I will tell her and she will forgive me,” Constantine replies.

Sebastian regards him for a few moments. “Is that really how you want to live your life with her? Asking for forgiveness? You will never be able to keep her happy,” he says eventually.

“Like you will?” Constantine sneers at him.