“You’re back!” I gush and take a step forward to embrace him.

Remiel’s arm goes up and he blocks me from taking another step.

“Stop it,” I say, struggling to shift his arm, but his strength is too great for me.

“Stay behind me,?

? he says in a quiet voice and turns full on to face CK.

“Remiel!” I cry out and peer around him, wondering what the fuck is going on. It is then that I see CK’s face. Or more specifically, his eyes.

They are red and that can only mean one thing. He is pissed beyond reason.

“CK,” I start cautiously, wondering what on Earth has riled him up so vehemently.

“Whore!” he shouts at me.

I take a step back, gasping in shock, my hand over my heart.

“Wh-What?” I stammer, trying to push around Remiel again, but again, failing.


This time it fires up my own anger, and I push Remiel out of the way, succeeding this time only because I catch him by surprise.

“What are you talking about?” I demand of him, taking a dangerous step towards him.

His blood-red eyes go straight to my belly and my blood runs colder than ice, if that is possible.

He knows.

How can he know?

The only people who know are me, Frederick and Devon and they wouldn’t have told. Not even Devon in his current state of annoyance at me. I see Delinda peering at CK and then she takes a step forward.

“No!” I call out to her, putting my hand up. He is dangerous right now and I don’t want them going at it as I have no idea if either of them will survive the others attack.

“Constantine, I can explain,” I say calmly, but honestly what can I say? I am screwed.

“QUIET!” he roars. “Pack your bags and GET OUT!”

My breath catches in my throat. My heart races. I open my mouth to protest, but he takes a step closer to me and I quake. He is truly frightening right now. His magick is shimmering around him in a cloud of pure power.

“Wait…” I stammer, but it is too late. There is nothing I can say or do that will change what he does next.

He raises his hand, his eyes fixed firmly on mine and he lets out a stream of his magick right at me.

“AAAHHH!” I scream, holding my hands up in defense, but Remiel is already there, stepping in front of me and catching the magick in his outstretched hand.

“Ergh!” he exclaims as it burns a hole right through his palm, but effectively stopping it from reaching me. I have no doubt that it would have killed me. His blue eyes go like ice and he lifts his own hand up to fire magick back at Constantine, but I grab his arm to stop him.

My eyes haven’t left my husband’s.

He must see the absolute hurt-devastation-that radiates off me.

He tried to kill me.

For real this time.