“Because I am harboring a dangerous Rogue,” she says bitterly.

“Oh,” I say. I can’t resist my next sentence. “Send Fraser here then. If they can’t get to him, it’s got nothing to do with you.”

Her eyes burn with rage until she realizes that I, too, am teasing.

Frederick has started to growl and has edged closer to me in his jealousy at the ‘F-word’.

“Funny,” she drawls. “A couple of hours. That’s it.”

“Two hours. That’s all you get. In the South Tower. Speak to no one or you won’t be going back in one piece. He is itching for a bit of maiming.” I gesture at Frederick. “Got it?”

At his strangled gasp, she nods quickly and escapes without further snark. It concerns me. She, and Fraser, must be in serious shit.

“No,” Frederick says, as I turn to him. “That was a joke to annoy her, I get that, but no. It does not go further than that.” Having filled him in on that whole situation, he is fully aware of what a dodgy subject this is.

I shrug, not admitting to anything. “Jealous?” I mutter, unable to help myself.

“Yes,” he says to my surprise. “He doesn’t belong here. He isn’t yours. I am.”

“Oh, that you are, my love,” I gush at him and pull him closer to kiss him. He shoves me back to the bed and we start all over again, only pausing two hours later, when Other Liv barges in to say her farewells.

Chapter 21

Easter Island, The South Pacific, May 2015 - Constantine

That’s it.

He’s done.

It has been six long weeks since he left his wife and daughter to complete this mission, and as he drops the last of the Hunters at his feet, throat torn out, he feels a sense of peace. He scoured the ends of the earth and now there are none left, and he can go home.

He is exhausted and hungry. Sleeping and feeding in short bursts just to make this task shorter. All he wants to do is go home and spend time with his family and see how his unborn child is progressing.

He is about to Teleport off when he lets out a groan. He wants to see his wife, not her father.

“What do you want?” he asks Drake brusquely. “I am in no mood for any shit.”

“Neither am I, so I will get straight to the point,” Drake replies, equally as shortly. “I need you to convince my daughter that the child she bears needs to grow up with me in the Dark Fae Kingdom.”

Constantine blinks once, then twice. What?

“And why the fuck do you think I would agree to that?” Constantine barks at him.

“You?” Drake sneers. “You have nothing to do with this. It is Aeval that needs to be convinced and I think you are the person to do it. I am sure you are less than pleased to see the child enter the world.”

“She carries my child!” Constantine expostulates, his temper getting the better of him. “How dare you try and take her away from me!”

“Your child?” Drake splutters, and then his face closes off. “Hmm…”

Constantine watches for any sign that Drake has lost his mind, but he seems perfectly in control of his faculties.

“The child is Dark Fae,” Drake starts.

“Half Dark Fae, if that,” Constantine snaps. “Aefre suppresses her Fae self. She loathes it.” He can’t help the dig, even though he knows the wild magick is taking his wife over slowly, bit by bit, day by day.

“All Dark Fae,” Drake insists.

“How do you even know she is pregnant?” Constantine asks exasperated with this conversation and wishing it to end immediately.