“I do,” he says, interrupting me, squeezing my hand. “I will do as you say. Fancy a walk outside?” he asks after a beat, his eyebrows waggling.

I chuckle. “Not today, but I thank thee for the offer.”

He reaches up to stroke my face gently. “You are okay?” he asks quietly.

I stare into his black eyes, pools of such darkness, that are swimming with concern, just for me. It makes my heart pound. I lean just a little bit closer into his hand. “I’ll do,” I say and leave it at that.

We just stare at each other for another moment and then he clears his throat and breaks his gaze. I feel disappointed, but I pull away as well, not wanting to be the mooning teenager, pining after the man she can’t have.

“Can you get me Marguerite?” I ask then in a high-pitched voice that does nothing to mask my feelings.

“Of course, mi’ lady,” he says and stands up to leave. “We’ll take that walk tomorrow.”

“Yes, tomorrow,” I agree, but we both know that it won’t be tomorrow, or the next day or the day after that, or the week after that. Maybe by summer. Maybe. “Tell her to bring some scissors.”

I see his eyebrows go up, but he nods, making no comment.

There is a knock at the door a few moments later and Marguerite appears, scissors in hand, along with a comb and a towel.

“Thanks,” I mutter as she gives me a sympathetic look but says nothing as she crosses to the dresser. She flips the mirror over, and I smile gratefully. I really do not want to see myself. “Just do what you have to.”

She nods and unwraps the turban, discarding it on the floor and getting to work. I scrunch my eyes shut against the long locks being hacked away. I feel sad and, also, ridiculous as it is only hair. As CK said, it'll

grow back in time.

“There,” she says sometime later.

I open my eyes but decline to see myself. However, I can't stop myself from asking, “How do I look?”

“Gorgeous,” is her reply.

I roll my eyes at her but take the compliment as it was intended. “Thanks,” I say again and stand up. “How are you?” I give her a long look when she doesn't answer, just shrugs her shoulders.

“Fine, you know…”

“I do,” I say, and we share a look for a moment before she backs out of the room. I let her go and when I am alone, I gingerly reach up to feel my hair. She has cropped it as close to my skull as she can to fit in with the burnt away hair. I must look awful, but now isn't the time to check. Fortunately, Thia is stirring and I am glad of the busy work. I pick her up and set about seeing to her every whim.

Chapter 18

Ponte, Italy, March 2015 - Aefre

The days roll into weeks and soon it is March. I have ventured out of my bedroom exactly once since I was rescued and brought back here. Yep, it's bringing back all sorts of memories. Frederick has been patient and kind while Devon has just been frustrated and irritated with me. I would have thought it would be the other way around but losing his true sire has made Devon a very angry man. I woke up one morning to find the ring he gave me gone. I haven’t had the heart, or the strength, to confront him about it. Yet. I will. He cannot bail on me without a word. Although it does fit in with his M.O. Vito on the other and has kept his distance. Visiting me occasionally, but mostly spending his time with Lincoln-still in Wolf form, no thanks to me. I am definitely pregnant, and it definitely belongs to Vito. There is no doubt in my mind at this point, but as CK is still out on his manhunt, or Vampirehunt, he still doesn’t know that we are expecting another child. Christ, it makes me more and more nervous the more time ticks on. I just want to tell him and then it’s done. No takebacks.

“Try again?” Devon asks, sticking his head around the door.

I sigh inwardly. He tries at least twice a day. I give him a wan smile and he grimaces at me. “Maybe later,” I mutter.

“Leave her alone,” comes Frederick’s voice from behind him. “She will go out when that bitch is back here to exact her revenge on.” He seems totally and completely confident in this theory. Maybe he is right. Maybe having Clementine here will force my hand and make me go to her dungeon cell. As long as CK doesn’t kill her first. I know that he will try, and do as I ask, but he never was a creature of any restraint. Especially when it comes to revenge. See Sebastian. I still miss him. It hits me hard sometimes, like now, for example, that he is really gone.

“Any luck in calling for Remiel?” I ask this pointless question. If he isn’t coming for me, he isn’t coming for anyone.

Devon shakes his head. “If he arrives here, will you come out then?” he asks, the hope in his voice obvious.

“Dev,” I whine. “I just want to be in here. Why is that so hard for you to understand?”

“Because it isn’t like you!” he snaps at me.

Thia starts crying and I wiggle her a little bit to get her to settle again in my arms. She doesn’t like the tension.