“Jesus, fuck,” Devon whispers, but it’s the last thing I hear as I pass out again into oblivion.

“My sweet, are you awake?” CK’s voice penetrates my fuzzy head.

“Yeah,” I manage to get out.

“You’ve been out for a while, take it easy,” he croons to me.

“What’s ‘a while’?” I ask, opening my eyes and using my elbows to lift myself off the bed.

“A couple of days,” he says and bends down to give me a kiss on the lips. “You’ve been healing and getting stronger,” he adds unnecessarily.

“Oh,” I say, looking around, my eye landing firstly on Devon, curled up next to me and then to Frederick, slumped in a chair by the window. Neither look like they’ve slept in a few days. “I’m home?” I dare to ask.

CK smiles at me. “You are. You are safe. The Hunters HQ has been demolished and every fucking Vampire that I could get my hands on has been obliterated. The rest will follow,” he says darkly. He circles my left ring finger with concern. “Who took your ring?” he inquires with that falsely innocent tone he has perfected. Clearly, it has been eating him up inside and yet he doesn’t want it to come out all petty. Which it is.

“Who do you think?” I growl, remembering that blonde bitch taking it off me and sliding it onto her own finger.

“Clem,” he growls back, his eyes going red.

“Did you kill her?” I challenge him sharply.

“No. I didn’t find her. But mark my words, Aefre, when I do, she will wish she was never born.”

I nod.

“Which brings me to the subject we need to discuss,” he says swiftly. “I am going to find her.”


“This isn’t over, Aefre. This was a direct attack on you. I will not stand for it. She will be punished.”

“What about Dmitri? He was also to blame,” I point out.


” he says shortly. “And now Clementine needs to die.”

“Don’t leave me,” I whisper suddenly.

He drags me to him, and I cling to him and tightly as he clings to me. “I have to,” he says. “Just until I can find her. I cannot let this rest, Aefre. Unlike you, who needs to stay here and recuperate.” He gives me a knowing look. Sure, I had been about to say I’d go with him, but I didn’t really mean it. I want to stay here behind these walls, in this very room, where I feel safe.

“I will be staying with you,” Frederick says. “You need not worry for your safety.”

I give him a penetrating look and another nod of my head. “I love you,” I say, looking back to Constantine. “They killed Cade.”

“Figured,” Devon says, inching closer to me. I grab his hand and he links our fingers tightly. “He is probably happier now.”

I nod my head again, feeling this is the only action I can accomplish right now. I feel numb. “You said that Arathia found me?” I scrunch up my face. “I think.”

CK beams at me. “She did.” Then he frowns. “I was reluctant to use her, but we were desperate.”

“No, I’m glad,” I say, squeezing his hand. “How?”

“She gave me a vision. Was quite eager to help actually,” he informs me.

“Really? Interesting.” I ponder this for a moment. “I want to see her.”

“Of course,” CK says immediately, but then casts a quick glance over me.