“Your Overlord has spoken. I will not overturn his ruling,” I say coldly and I sense CK’s approval, but underneath that I sense his worry about my course of action. CeeCee wails and I waver in my decision, but one look at Xane and my resolve locks into place. I cannot and will not overrule him.

“No!” Jethro, the Head of the House of Aldric, suddenly bellows. “My Lord, you cannot sentence my daughter to death over this matter!”

I didn’t know that CeeCee was Jethro’s daughter, but I suppose it makes sense.

“The decision has been made,” Xane says.

Jethro Shifts as well now, along with several other Aldric’s. They all look similar to Xane and the Dracul’s–as in smaller versions of Dragons, but on two legs with wings and long snouts–but whereas Xane is a dark gray, almost black, the Aldric’s are a murky shade of green. He roars at us, “Then this is war! I will fight you to overturn this ruling. It has been a long time coming to the ruling House, ever since you broke off your engagement. I will get my compensation.”

“You backed out of a fight with me once before, Jethro. Do you really want to take me on?” Xane asks.

Jethro stands up to his full height, which in his Demonic form must be well over ten feet high. “My House declares war on yours, my Lord. We will not accept this disrespect.”

“Jethro,” I say, stepping forward. “You must reconsider your actions. War between the Houses is unnecessary.”

He spins to me with a look of such venom in his glowing, green eyes that I almost shy away, but I stand my ground, knowing he is pissed because I am the reason that CeeCee got dumped and now the reason she is going to die.

“You,” he hisses. “This is all your fault. You are the one who needs to pay for our trouble.”

“Lay a hand on my wife and it will be the last thing you do!” Xane shrieks at him, but Jethro has a wicked glint in his eye. He knows exactly where to hit me the hardest and he coils a ball of Hellfire into his palm and aims not for me, but for CK.

Chapter 12

It happens in slow motion almost.

I yell, “Noooooo!” and dive in front of Constantine before he can move and in a sudden burst that hurt like a motherfucker on a good day, I am standing in front of him in Dragon form, curling my tail around him protectively. I hear his huff of annoyance at me and my over protectiveness, but I know that I can kill CK with my own brand of Hellfire. Whether or not Jethro's is as lethal to him is something I don’t ever want to find out. As I spread my wings and shriek in rage, and a little bit of triumph that I am in this form, I lumber forward and get the immense satisfaction of everyone backing off. I screech again and it becomes very clear to me that Dracul was right in telling me that the Dragon Realms have been closed off and all the Dragons have been recalled as not one comes to my aid. Not that I was asking for help, but they usually respond to my call, and let’s face it, it would have made for a very spectacular scene to be backed up by a few more humungous creatures. I thump my foot on the ground and then to my own surprise, as well as every creature dumb enough to be left standing in the garden, I speak out loud.

“Try that again and I will stamp you into nothing,” I say in a voice that sounds like gravel in a blender. I duck my huge head and put it right in Jethro’s face. His fear is intoxicating and V.A. is quite fond of this. My nostril’s flare as I breathe in deeply, and then two wisps of smoke float out of my nose as I exhale in his face.

“You speak?” he mutters, more to himself than to me.

Seems that way. Dragons communicate telepathically with one another and not at all with other creatures that I know of. I have never known a Dragon to speak in Dragon form, so this must be quite terrifying for everyone. V.A loves that too.

“There will be no war,” I say, raising my head to take in everyone with my massive eyes. I am standing a good thirty feet tall and everyone is gaping up at me. “If you try to come at the House of Dracul, or any member of my family, you will have to go through me.” I send a stream of Dragon fire arcing through the air to make my point that you would have to be stupid to take me on, especially in the mood I am in. The urge to get to the Dragon Realms is strong again in this form and I am fighting it with everything I’ve got. “Do you understand me?” I ask. Everyone nods at me in awe. “And the ruling of your Overlord stands. Cefalonia will not stand Trial.”

Jethro is about to protest but thinks better of it as I roar at him and smoke flares out of my nostrils again. He Shifts back to his human form and his followers do the same. He turns on his heel and walks away with his pride in shreds and I know this is not the last we will hear of this either. What a day.

Xane orders the guards to take CeeCee away and she kicks and screams as they haul her to her feet and Astraport away with her, to who knows where. I remain in Dragon form as I watch everyone leave my garden and once Xane Shifts back, I know the imminent danger has passed, so I Shift back too. It only occurs to me after I shake out my hair that I Shifted while pregnant. Sebastian said that would end a pregnancy. In a panic, I place my hand on my stomach and I can feel a little buzz of power vibrate through my hand in reassurance. I quickly snatch it away, relieved that she is okay. That is the second Dragon Shift I have done so she is a remarkably powerful little thing.

“Are you okay?” CK asks me. “That looked like it hurt.”

“It did, but I am fine,” I say with a smile.

“Good. You didn’t need to protect me, Aefre,” he says then haughtily. “I do know how to keep myself alive.”

“I wasn’t taking a risk, not with you,” I say and he beams momentarily before he scowls at me again. He takes my hand and leads me back inside where Devon is staring wide-eyed at me.

“That was terrifying,” he says, giving my arm a quick squeeze.

“That was the point,” I say.

We turn to look at Xane as he slams the French doors shut and leans against them.

“You may go home now,” CK says stiffly.

“Nope. If Xerxei and I split up now we are asking for trouble. We have to stand united and that means that either I stay here, or she comes to stay with me. Up to you,” he says.

CK pulls me closer and Xane says, “All right then.” He pours himself a large Scotch and makes himself at home.