“We need to bond again,” he says. “I am afraid if I leave you alone to reflect, you will leave me again. Or decide that this is all my fault.”



I bite my lip. I am not surprised he knew exactly what I was thinking. “I know,” I mutter. “We have things to talk about.” I have decided he needs to know about what happened to me when I first left here. He needs to know that I am one quick fuck away from becoming Anders’s Queen.

“Later,” he murmurs and claims my mouth in an ardent kiss, that makes me forget about everything else, even though I try really hard to not let it affect me.

Chapter 13

Ponte, Italy, January 2015 - Aefre

CK slams me up against the bedroom door with force, jarring every bone in my body. He is used to me being stronger, but it doesn’t matter. The pain just adds to the excitement. His lips devour mine, his tongue duels with mine, his fangs descend and tear into me, making me bleed into his mouth to his delight.

I gasp as he clamps down on my lower lip, sucking hard enough to bruise me. One hand goes between my legs and the other slashes my wrist, causing my left arm to go dead with paralysis now that I am no longer his charge.

“Wha…?” I tear my mouth away from his, but he claims it again, squeezing my pussy before he fumbles with my zipper. He moves his mouth to my wrist and starts to suckle. It makes my knees buckle and he catches me before I slump to the floor.

“Fuck. CK.” I don’t know what he is doing to me, but I want more.

My pants drop around my ankles and his join them soon after. He impales me when I wrap my legs around him, thrusting his cock so deep inside me, I scream. He moves his mouth away from my wrist and slashes his own. In a flash of Vampire speed, he smashes his wrist to mine and starts to chant…something. At first, in my haze of lust and desire, I think he is saying the Blood Magick ritual that binds us together and I start to mumble the words with him. He shushes me by kissing me briefly, before he continues with his words.

“Oh, yes,” I cry out as he slams me against the door with great force, bruising my back.

I feel a swirl of power engulf us and I think he is doing that stripping thing again. I open my mouth to protest, but the cloud of power snakes passed my lips and down my throat, choking me.

“Gah,” I rasp, tossing my head from side to side. “Cons…”

“Shh, my sweet. Let it take you,” he whispers to me, his mouth right by my ear.

He clasps the back of my neck, all the while keeping up his thrusts that finally make me come with vicious shakes that have him holding me tightly to him so that I don’t shudder straight out of his arms.

The magick is coursing through my body now. I feel invincible. I feel better than I have in days, months, years even. The Dragon Power was nothing compared to what I feel now.

“What have you done?” I croak out, trying to focus on his eyes, but all I can see is the blood-red cloud of his power swirling behind my eyes. My head lolls back, my mouth slack.

He takes full advantage and lifts my head up, attaching his mouth to mine, pushing his tongue against mine.

“No…” I try to push him away. I don’t know what he has done to me.

“Feel it, Aefre. Feel the power.” He thrusts one last time and then jerks in my arms, again and again as he orgasms intensely. His face is constricted, his muscles taut, as he stays on his feet while holding me up as well. “Yes!” he cries out. “Oh fuck, Aefre.”

Watching his immense pleasure has caused me to throb around him again, gasping like there is no air left in the room.

He shudders again, his eyes wide open, fixed on mine in such a penetrating gaze it makes me shiver. “Ooh,” he mumbles, closing his eyes and for the first time I feel his own knees buckle. He collapses to the floor, me landing on top of him, gripping his shirt in my hands.

“What did you do to me?” I yell in his face, knowing that was no ordinary sex. He cast a spell on me.

“I did what I had to,” he replies, still gazing at me with that deep look which is turning into something else. Horror, perhaps?

“What?” I cry out, suddenly panicked. “What went wrong?”

“Nothing,” he growls and flips me over, pulling his hips back so that he can shove his cock deep inside me once again.

“Wait!” I wiggle underneath him, but it’s too late. His rock-hard cock has hit my sweet-spot and it is still sensitive from the onslaught before. My wiggling turns rapturous as he drops his fangs and once again drinks from me.

“Argh,” he grunts, pulling back. “Bite me, Aefre, now.”