I nod and say, “I should get home. I have been gone far longer than I should have been.”

He gives me a bear hug and says, “Go for your daughter, Aeval, and we will be ready and waiting for your return.”

“Thank you,” I say again, and I turn to make sure that Vito is alive and well. He catches my eye and I smile at him and leave him to his fun. He was obviously hankering for a good fight as he is laughing and re-enacting the battle with his fellow Fae. I transport myself back home to the Underworld, where an anxious CK is waiting for me.

“Where the devil have you been?” he roars at me as I land in our bedroom.

“The Fae Kingdoms,” I say and annoy the heck out of him with my insolence. He looks like he is going to give me a sound beating when I add, “Sebastian is King again,” and then I burst into tears as the day’s events get on top of me.

I tell him all about it and he looks grim, especially the part about my promise.

“But it is over now?” he asks.

“Yes, Sebastian killed him and now he is King again,” I say tearfully.

“Hm,” CK says, not looking best pleased about that.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I know it is not nice for you to have him over there where you can’t get to him.”

He looks startled by that and then slightly flustered. “I’m not worried about that,” he says. “I am concerned only about you.”

I don’t really know what to make of that. “I need a drink,” I say instead, and he Teleports us downstairs to the library, barging in on Devon who is peering out of the window. He immediately comes to my side and asks what’s going on, so I retell the tale while CK goes to make me some tea. When I said I wanted a drink, I meant an alcoholic one. A big one.

Devon is silent as CK hands me my tea. I take a sip and sit down on the hearth, enjoying the fire and the big dollop of 30-year Jura that CK generously added to my tea. I close my eyes and then they fly open again as I hear a racket going on outside.

“What on Earth?” I ask, rising, and CK looks slightly pained as he tries to stop me from going outside. I peer through the French doors, where Devon had been standing a moment ago, and take a step back as I see hundreds upon hundreds of Vampires adorning my lawn.

“What is going on?” I ask.

“Uh, I was going to mention it, perhaps after you had a bite to eat,” CK says. “But I suppose now is as good a time as any.”

“They are pissed that you took their Silver away,” Devon pipes up.

“Oh,” I say flatly. Of course they are. I should have been expecting it. I am guessing that Corinne has something to do with this convergence. “I suppose I should go out there and explain.”

“Xane is doing his best,” CK says hurriedly, not eager to let me outside.

“It’s not his responsibility,” I say and push past him. “Devon, whatever happens, stay inside.”

“Err, I don’t think so,” he says.

“We don’t know anything about how strong you are or how quickly you heal. I am not letting you outside to face them. Things could get ugly,” I say and give him a stern look.

“I am not letting you go out there alone,” Devon says defiantly, crossing his arms.

“She won’t be alone,” CK says and takes my hand.

“Lizzie,” Devon says but I shush him.

“Stay,” I order and he gives me a rude gesture.

I smile at him and he smiles back, but he isn’t happy to be on the sidelines.

CK and I make our way outside and there is a hushed silence. I reach the front of the crowd and CK helps me up onto the low-level wall that runs through the gardens. I see Xane has an army of Demons on either side of my garden, presumably to keep the Vampires in check and there is a growing number of spectators wondering what is going on.

A hush falls as I wait and Xane comes to stand next to me, his shoulder just touching mine. CK stands in front of me like a sentry and I place my hand on his shoulder. I am slightly intimidated, I have to say. Looking out over the sea of faces all staring at me, waiting for me to give them an explanation over what I have done makes my mouth go dry.

“What we did to the Dark Fae was wrong,” I start. “We cannot use others in such a manner to get what we want. It is unacceptable. This is the Vampire limitation and the Vampires will have to learn to live with it.”