I pace frantically waiting for them to return. Time is ticking on and CK will be going crazy, I have no doubt, wondering where I am and what has happened to me. I close my eyes and sit down and Maurelle brings me a cup of tea. Who would have thought she could be nice?

“Thanks,” I say and smile wanly at her. “Should it be taking this long?”

She shrugs and sits with her own cup. “I have never known a coup before,” she says, wrinkling her nose. “But battles between the Dark and Light are common and don’t usually take too long.”

“I guess you must be used to waiting around then for Drake to come home,” I say.

She laughs. “I used to be like you, pacing and frantic, but I have never known a man quite so invincible as my husband. I soon learned that he would always come home to me.”

I smile at her and her obvious love for the man. It’s weird. They have been together for so long and while he has strayed, I wonder if she ever has–doubtful, looking at her, I’ll admit–but they seem to still be very much in love. I wonder if CK and I will stand the test of time? Who knows? Everything is so much different now than how it used to be between us.

“I am surprised that Thrace’s request was a request,” Maurelle says suddenly.

“What do you mean?” I ask, confused by her words.

“Well, he has made no secret about his desire to father the blessed child with you. If you went to him, why did he not just…” She trails off, suddenly looking awkward about where this conversation is going.

“Rape me, you mean?” I ask nastily.

She flinches and says, “I am sorry, Aeval. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

I sigh and pat her hand. “No, it’s okay. I am sure everyone is wondering the same thing. He tried to, but he couldn’t,” I say and shut my mouth. I don’t want to blab my baby secret to this woman. I barely know her.

“Oh,” she says with a slight flush and looks away. I am guessing she thinks he couldn’t get it up or something and I am happy to leave it at that. Soon enough, he won’t be around to contest that assumption. I hope. It was hard enough trying to convince him to keep schtum about my pregnancy to begin with. I bargained for more than just a child with him after the second time he was flung across the room, to keep his mouth shut. I am glad that I will never have to make good on that promise. The man has barbaric tastes.

My thoughts are interrupted by the return of the Dark Fae Army. Minus Sebastian.

“Where is he?” I demand of my father, who is looking like he spilled more than just a little bit of blood.

He bends down to kiss his wife chastely an

d I see the look of relief on her face that she tries to hide.

“He had to stay, Aeval,” he says to me.

“Is he okay?” I almost shriek at him and his lack of information.

“Of course he is,” Drake says, looking annoyed by my outburst. “He took the crown back with Thrace’s head still attached to it,” he adds with pride and the army cheers at that.

I gulp and clench my fists. “So he is dead then?” I ask.

“Obviously,” someone behind me jeers. “Unless he can live without his head.”

After much laughter and more cheering to King Kalen, Drake drags me to the side.

“Yes, Thrace is dead and so is the promise you made to him,” he says kindly.

“Thank you,” I say. “I know how awkward this must have been for you.”

“Ah, my girl, I love a good fight with the Light. They are a bunch of pansy-asses.” He shrugs and I smile at him.

“How long until he can leave?” I ask.

“He won’t be leaving,” Drake says. “He cannot abandon his people now. They are in turmoil over the coup.”

“Will he be okay?” I ask in dread.

“Yes, he has their support. He is their true King,” he reassures me.