All alone, I head upstairs and duck into the shower, only now remembering that Anders had his hands, and lips, on me. It makes my skin crawl.

I shudder and drench myself in hot water and lavender shower gel. After several minutes, I climb out and dry off, cursing that my Dragon drying off and changing power is gone. I slip on a nightgown and climb into my bed.


My hair is wet, but I can’t be bothered to even see if I have a hairdryer here to dry it. I will take the hit and if I end up looking like a lion tomorrow, then so be it.

I lie in the massive bed, flat on my back, arms and legs outstretched to make the most of the room. It feels too empty otherwise. This just feels so weird and so wrong. I should have someone in here with me.

Letting out a noise of frustration, I flop over onto my side and close my eyes. I am tired. It has been a bitch of a night and dawn is quickly approaching.

I fall asleep before I can even start to think and worry about the future and wake up in the exact same position a couple of hours later. That surprises me, until I remember that no Dragon power coursing through me equals less sleep again. I suppose that’s an upside.

The downside...the mane of hair that is fluffed out around my face. Ugh.

I pull it back and scrunch it into a messy ponytail and head downstairs to the big kitchen for some coffee. Nice and normal. Like it used to be. Well, minus Devon. Maybe his dreams will come true and I will decide it’s just me and him again. I smile at the thought and take a sip from my big mug. It’s hugely appealing. Although, where the fuck is he? He has been remarkably absent and that concerns me. Does he also think I’m broken? Only he doesn’t want to be around to tell me that he doesn’t, because he knows I’ll know he is lying? Oh, the gods! My paranoia is getting the better of me.

“Aefre! I need your help!”

“Jesus!” I splutter and start to pat at the steaming hot coffee that has landed all over my skin and night gown. “What the fuck, Liv? I thought we decided enough was enough?” I slam the mug down, not happy to see my Other World counterpart.

“Nooo, I said: ‘never say never,’” she smirks at me.

“Humph,” I mutter. “Whatever trouble you have gotten yourself into, I can’t help you,” I say, stretching my arms wide to make my point.

Her face loses the smirks and resumes its panicked look. “They’ve taken Fraser. I need your help to get him back.”

I lick my lips. Fraser. Of course it’s Fraser. It couldn’t be her Remiel or her Constantine, could it? “Who has taken him?” I ask, cursing myself even as the words tumble from my lips.

“The Rogue Vampire Task Force,” she says impatiently. “Again! Your Remiel got him back last time. I can’t do it on my own. I need two of me. I need you.”

“Two of you?” I say, scrunching up my nose. “You are Empress. Why aren’t you Powerful enough?”

That was clearly the wrong thing to say as she hisses at me. But, really? Dracul is all Powerful, there are things that he can do, that Tiamat could do, that I can only dream about. Not for the first time, I wonder if Liv and her World just aren’t as Powerful as our World. I shrug.

“Sorry, but like I said, I can’t help you.” To make my point, I turn around and drop the straps of my nightgown to reveal my empty back.

It takes her a second, but then she gasps. “What happened?”

“Long story involving Jess and a Dragon-killing sword,” I say. “Hm, actually, not that long.”

“Fuuuuuck,” she breathes out. “Seriously?”

“Obviously,” I drawl, pointing over my shoulder at my back.


“Uh-huh. Sooo, as I’ve said twice now...I can’t help you.”

“Your sire then,” she says immediately. “I need Remiel.”

“Nope, no can do,” I say, shaking my head.

“Aefre, please. Fraser is in deep trouble,” she implores me.

“And I wish I could help, but I can’t. I’m sorry.” I pick up my mug and take a sip, hoping that this is the end of this conversation.

“Dammit, you bitch! All you need to do is call Remiel here and ask him to do me a favor. No big deal!” She runs her hand through her blonde hair in agitation.