I gasp when I feel the first lash hit my skin, the whip breaking through my flesh causing me to bleed. The second lash comes almost immediately, and I bite the inside of my cheek. I won’t scream for him, no matter what he does to me.

“Dammit,” he mutters and administers the third lash with so much force, the whip wraps itself around my body cutting through my stomach now as well. The tears pool in my eyes, but I refuse to make a sound.

Anders pulls on the lash and it spins me around with it to face him. “You heal too quickly,” he complains. “How am I supposed to show them that you have been punished?” He looks at me desperately and it confuses me. “Help me out, Princess,” he whispers. “Stop healing.”

“I-I c-can’t,” I stutter. “It’s the Vampire.”

He gazes into my wet eyes and his face softens. “I am left with one choice then to save your life,” he says.

Order them to let me go? It’s not fucking rocket science.

“You will become my Queen,” he states as if it is the only solution left in the World.

I blink at him, the tears of

the pain vanishing now that the wounds have healed. “Q-queen?” I choke out.

“Yes, it is the only way I can protect you,” he explains. “Kalen would have wanted it that way.”

“Err…no,” I say, shaking my head. I will not marry him to save my own skin. I have more pride than that. And I am pretty sure that Sebastian would roll over in his grave if he knew about this. Not that he has a grave, but you get my drift.

“Oh, but you have no choice, Princess. My mind is made up.” He comes closer to me and rips the dress, that has been flapping around me, completely off, discarding it with magick.

“There is another way. Just let me go,” I say to him, struggling against the ties. “No one has to know I was even here.”

“Oh, they know,” Anders says darkly. He flicks his wrist and the ties unravel, causing my arms to flop to my sides. I eye the exit and I run towards it, but he stops me. He grips my face in his hand and I close my eyes. I know what is coming next.

“Open your eyes,” he whispers to me.

“No,” I grit out.

He squeezes his hand tightly and bends down to whisper in my ear. “Open your eyes before I cut off your eyelids.”

Sue me, but it makes my eyes flutter open.

“Don’t,” I whimper, unable to move. Unable to rescue myself from this living Hell.

“You will agree to marry me,” he says, his eyes boring into mine. “You will love me; you will do everything that I say and say everything that I tell you to. Won’t you, Princess.”

“Yes,” I hear myself say and he lets go of my face.

His eyes rove over my naked breasts and he tweaks my nipple. Then he strips me completely bare.

“You will be happy to marry me naked, won’t you?”

“Yes,” I say.

He gives me a smug look. “Good, because we will have to consummate the union quickly. Wait here.” He positions me in the middle of the room, and I wait while he goes over to the door and utters some words. A few seconds later an old man appears and Anders ushers him into the room.

“Marry us. Now,” he orders.

The Faerie’s eyes go from me to Anders and back to me. “Now?” he asks Anders, but his eyes are fixed firmly on my pussy.

“Now,” Anders growls. “And the short version if you please.” He loops his arm through mine as we face the Faerie minister.

He recites some words and then at Anders ‘hurry up’ gesture, he says to me, “Do you come to this union of your own free will to marry this man”

“Yes,” I intone.