
“I felt relief that Arathia was safe,” he says.

My shoulders sag. He is impossible.

“Stand up,” I say to him curtly.

“Why?” he asks.

“Just do it.”

He does as I ask. I lean forward again and this time, my lips touch his cock. He has lost his erection with all the serious talk.

“Aefre, no,” he says, even as he pushes his hand into my hair. “Don’t do this.”

“I want to,” I mumble around my mouthful. He is growing quickly, hardening against my tongue.

He groans out loud. “Your mouth…exceptional…don’t stop…” he gasps.

I have no intention of. However, I do want to spice things up a bit. His hands are itching to strike. I know it. I pull away and turn around, wiggling my pert rear in his face.

I hear his breathing go ragged. He knows I am not asking for the full darkness.

“Oh, Aefre,” he sighs. “You are so good to me.”


His hand connects with my backside with a resounding sting.

Slap! Slap!

Twice more and I am panting.

I brace myself for another strike, this time one that will make me scream.

It comes. Tenfold. I cry out in pain, but then he is there, kissing me, holding me, comforting me. Stroking gently over the red-hot spots where his hand struck me.

“I love you,” he whispers. “I love you so much.”

“I love you…”

It’s all I get out before he flips me over and pins me to the floor with his, once again, superior strength. When he realizes this, his smile goes evil for all of a second and it makes my blood run cold. He has power over me again. He can do whatever he likes and until I figure out these damn Faerie powers, properly, I am done for.

“Oh, Aefre,” he says, slightly mockingly now. “What have you got yourself into?”

“Let me go,” I say, struggling underneath him. He increases the pressure on my wrists, and I am not going anywhere.

I wiggle and writhe, but it only serves to arouse him further. I can feel his enormous cock straining against me.

So, I do the only thing I can in the moment. I stop struggling and open my legs.

He grunts in appreciation at my submission, but he isn’t through with me yet. He rolls me over and drags my hips up. I know now he is going straight in for the kill. I will get no pleasure out of this encounter. And it is all my own fault.

I hear him lick his finger and then he inserts it into my backside, stretching me, readying me for his onslaught. Barely two seconds later his finger is replaced by his cock and I scream.

Yes, scream. It hurts like Hell.

Since when did I became such a pussy? Even as just a regular Vampire, I had a higher pain threshold than I am currently exhibiting right now. I feel weak and sore and exhausted. What is happening to me?