“What will you do?”

“I will take her back to Minerva. Well, to the portal at Tintagel.” He picks her up and cradles her, but his face is completely blank. He doesn’t look at her.

“What’s going to happen?” I ask, not being able to keep the tinge of fear out of my voice.

“Not sure,” he says quietly. “I assume they will elect another Head and then come for us.”

“Corinne?” I lick my lips. She is not a massive fan of mine since I helped the Dark Fae escape.

“Possibly. It is our intel that she is already in Minerva.”

“Fantastic,” I mutter under my breath, but he heard me anyway.

“We will deal with it when it happens.”

I just nod and watch him Teleport off with his dead sister in his arms.

A commotion from the Entrance Hall brings my attention back and I remember the mess to clean up in there. I will have to deal with it before CK gets home. I do not want any reminders left. He has been through enough in the last few months, what with killing his charge and now this.

I open the library door and then stop dead for all of a split second before I charge forward, anger clouding my features. “What are you doing here?” I bark.

Clementine gives me a raking once-over, dressed as I am in my usual casual get-up of jeans and a vest top. She, on the other hand, is dressed in a beautifully cut dress that I long to rip off her and try on.

“Where is my sire?” she barks back.

Devon’s eyes go up and mouths, “Constantine?” at me.

I nod imperceptibly but focus on Clementine. Devon shuffles closer to me, reaching out to grab hold of Lincoln’s fur as he growls at the newcomers.

Clem has turned up, unannounced as far as I’m aware, with a handsome young man that politely introduces himself as, “Jeffrey. Clementine’s husband.”

“Hello,” I say coolly. “I ask again. What are you doing here?”

“I came to see my sire,” Clem says just as coolly.

“He isn’t here, so you either go away or deal with me,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest, to hide my fisted hands. This woman gets under my skin in a big way. She was CK’s first love. The first woman he turned to spend eternity with. It makes me want to vomit all over her Manolo Blahniks, but I hold it together, for the sake of the shoes, and the shoes alone.

Her piercing green eyes, so eerily like my own and Sebastian’s, bore through my skull as she sizes me up. Again. Does she know something has changed? Do I exude so much less power now? Probably. Remiel said I wasn’t scary anymore.

“You have proved to be completely useless. Get me my sire,” she spits out eventually.

“He is out on personal business and even if he weren’t, now you would deal with me and only me,” I spit back. “I don’t want your poisonous claws anywhere near him.”

Jeffery chokes back a comment as Clem gives him a scathing look. Clearly, she can fight her own battles.

We glare at each other, neither one backing down, for several moments until Jeffrey speaks again.

“We do apologize for this intrusion,” he starts with a beam at me. Oh, he knows how to play the game. I narrow my eyes at him, wondering precisely how they got in? I know the wards are intact or that Hunter and his buddies would be in here by now trying to murder us all. “We are here to ask a favor of Clementine’s sire.”

“If this has anything to do with my blood…”

“It does not,” Jeffrey says quickly. “However, it is regarding our daughter.”

“I can speak for myself,” Clementine says, giving him another withering stare and he backs down.

“What about your daughter?” I ask her. She is the one that wears the pants in this relationship so I might as well just talk to her. If I must…hopefully they will leave soon, and I can go back to worrying about CK and his delicate psyche after this current fall-out.

“It is none of your business,” she states coldly. “I wish to speak to Constantine.”