“The Dragon was latent; but the power was still there. She’s dead now, Dev. It's gone. I'm sorry.”

He chokes back a sob as he stands up and pulls his clothes back on. “I can't…” He Astraports off, leaving me and Lincoln to digest the fact that I can never shape-shift again. Devon has lost his true sire and that must be tearing him up inside. I feel despondent, which Lincoln makes worse when he says, “The Wolf is gone as well. I knew it when you passed out. Our bond is gone.”

“It was all part of my Dragon power. I'm so sorry, Linc.” I fall into his arms, weeping for everything that I have lost.

He bundles me to him. “It’s okay.”

“No, it isn’t. Don’t you see?” I wail at him. “I am losing everything. Everyone!”

“You won’t lose me,” he says quietly.

“The Pairing!” I shriek at him. “What will happen to you now?”

“I don’t know,” he says, “but I know you will be here no matter what.”

It is more a question requiring an answer than a statement, so I nod frantically. “I will. I will always be here for you. You know that, right.”

“I do,” he says, his green eyes so serious it makes my heart break all over again. This is a fucking disaster. Poor Devon.

I hate that bitch!

I am glad that she is dead. I wish I had been the one to kill her myself for doing this.

“Devon will be okay. In time. You are still his sire,” Lincoln tries to reassure me, but he doesn’t get it.

Devon won’t be okay, not ever again. His true sire-twice over-is dead. Gone. Never to be seen again.

“I need to go and talk this over with him. He is devastated,” I say quietly.

“Wait,” Lincoln says mournfully. “I…we…haven’t spent much time together lately.”

“I know, and I am sorry about that. I will come and find you again soon, but Devon…”

“Yeah, I get it,” he says stiffly. “He needs you.” The sarcasm is evident, and it surprises me.

“I’m sorry,” I say again and hurry to get my clothes back on. Damn, losing my Dragon is causing more and more aggro for me as the day goes on.

He grabs my hand, expecting me to Astral us back, but I don’t have that power anymore. I just look blankly at him and he gives me a jiggle.

“Fae power?” he asks.

“Not sure. Only ever used it to get to the Fae Kingdoms and back. I don’t want to inadvertently send us there.” I shrug wondering what to do. Should I try? I scrunch my eyes up to give it a go, but then I sense my sire next to me and he is not happy.

“Aefre,” he barks. “What is the meaning of this?”

“Of what?” I ask, opening my eyes, baffled.

“Why bring your lovers here to our home?”

Shit. I didn’t even think about that. “This place is a special place for us,” I stammer, knowing that it is also kind of a special place for me and Remiel.

“Humph,” he says, put out. But before he can say anything else, I grab his hand.

“Take us back to Ponte please. I need to get back.”

“Oh, you know?” he asks surprised.

My blood runs cold. “Know what?” I ask in dread.