I must have fallen into a daydream as, suddenly, I find myself alone. Remiel must have gotten perturbed and left me to my ruminations.

I get off the bed shakily. The pure blood and that of my sire have helped me regain proper consciousness, but I still feel off. Like there is lava flowing through my veins instead of blood. I wonder briefly about what Remiel said about the Faerie side rearing its head. Will it make me feel different? I remember when I fully accepted the Dragon side of me, it was the day I killed Cole’s skank, Tanya. I felt different then. Cold, focused. This just feels the opposite. Hot and fiery. Erratic.

Not good traits for someone like me who, I’ll admit, tends to be a bit volatile on the best of days. Hey, a girl can admit her faults. It's supposed to be enlightened or something.

I snort with self-deprecation.

I am about to settle myself into the longest shower in history, when there is a light tap on the door, followed by it being opened.

“Not interrupting, am I?” Frederick asks.

“Nope,” I say and beckon him in. “What’s up?”

“How do you know I want something?” he asks.

“Everybody wants something around here,” I reply with a wry twist to my lips.

“Hmm,” he mutters. “Sit.” He points to the armchair by the window and I obey him without question or thought.

“Listen, Aefre,” he starts, taking my hand and sitting in the chair next to me. “Dracul said that your Fae side is going to need some taming. You need to learn how to control your powers.”

I blink at him, but for some reason I don’t get mad at him for being so overbearing. Taming, indeed. He must be right.

“Okay,” I say. “Vito can help me.” This is the obvious choice seeing as he is Dark Fae and here.

“No,” Frederick says with a smile. “You need someone who is your equal, or superior, in power. Vito will not be able to do half the things you are capable of. Like it or not, you are Fae royalty…”

“Half Fae,” I interrupt automatically.

“Regardless, you need your father to teach you,” he concludes with a small smile that definitely does not reach his eyes.

I narrow mine at him. “No way

. Not a chance in Hell am I asking that fucker for anything! We are done. Door closed. I never want to see him again!” I say vehemently.

I see a pained look cross his face, but it is gone all too soon. “I know that you are angry with him and his choices. But you must look at the bigger picture, mi’ lady.”

His eyes bore into mine and I sigh. “Maybe,” I concede eventually and sink back into my chair.

He could be right, I just can’t, or don’t want to, see it.

“I want to shower,” I mutter and stand up to leave him. My head feels muggy and only a blast of cold water will fix it.

“Of course,” he murmurs back and makes a hasty exit. That was pretty weird. Why would Frederick care so much about my Fae power? Short answer: he wouldn’t. This has CK written all over it. But why Drake?

Duh! I slap my palm to my forehead. Because he doesn't want me getting any closer to Vito and Dark Fae magic lessons will definitely accomplish that task.

Arsehole. He really is such a control-freak. So much for being a changed man.

I sigh again and then forget about him.

Half an hour later I am refreshed and stronger than ever. I feel fantastic. All that blood and hot water did wonders for my overall self. I make my way to Thia’s room, happy to see she is in the crib. She is awake, but quiet, blinking at the mobile hovering over her bed. She gestures to it and I flick the stuffed tiger and she giggles and then raises both her arms up to me. I scoop her up with a happy smile which turns sour when she wiggles and lets out a cry, whacking me in the head with her gloved hand.

“I know, baby,” I say with a sigh. “Come, I will free you for a little while.” I take her back into mine and CK’s room and lay her down in the middle of the bed. I unwrap her hands and drop the gloves next to her. She lets out a whoop of delight and then with a growl that can only be described as slightly terrifying, she fires off a stream of Dragon fire straight at me!

I dive to the floor in shock, out of pure reflex, my heart hammering. I didn’t think she would turn on me so viciously. It was deliberate. I know it in my gut.

I cry out as she sends another stream that ricochets off the mirror, smashing it into a hundred pieces in the process, and aims straight for me again.