My stomach gurgles.



A wrist placed to my mouth.

Gushing warm blood into my mouth.


I grab the wrist and I drink, and drink and I don’t give a shit if I kill this person or not. I need it, end of story. I grip even harder and hear a bone break and a less muffled yelp of pain. The delicious, pure blood is helping me. I open my eyes and I see a nervous Devon hovering over me with an equally nervous CK.

“Enough,” he says gruffly.

I shake my head. “Nuh-uh,” I gurgle and keep drinking.

“You are close to…” CK says.

“Too late,” Devon says and catches the dead body of the woman.

“Oops,” I say gruffly and wipe my mouth.

I ignore the astonished looks and flex my shoulders. “What happened to me?”

“Dracul says you went into shock,” CK says as Remiel appears next to me, wrist already extended to top up my feed.

I know that CK will protest at seeing me feed from my sire, but it must be done. I can’t resist him. I lick my lips and with a lustful look, sink my fangs into him.

I hear a low growling coming from CK, but I ignore him. At least, I ignore his protest. I can’t help but fix my eyes on his and while they may not have turned red, they are the blackest of black and very scary. He is unhappy, but then, quite frankly, he should leave if he doesn’t want to see it. Am I right?

Of course I am and he knows it. He averts his eyes and eventually turns his back to me and after a beat, he leaves, his back ramrod straight.

That’s when I let go of Remiel. I could have several moments ago, but for some reason the idea of sticking it to CK really appealed to me. It’s horrible and I have no idea where it came from.

“Thanks,” I say, giving my sire a big beam, which he returns.

“Better?” he asks.

“Much,” I reply with a nod. “What exactly happened then?”

“We believe your body went into shock at not having the Dragon anymore. The Fae side is rearing its head now and they are a different breed altogether,” he says with pursed lips.

I blink at him and he avoids my eyes for a second, but then he smiles. It's forced, I can tell.

Does he no longer think we are destined now that I am no longer a Dragon?

Very. Likely. Indeed.

It does beg the question what in the Hell I am supposed to do now.

I am very much just a Vampire with a dash of Faerie in me.

Isn’t this what I wanted, though? Just to be normal again? Me and Devon against the World, blah, blah, blah…

Chapter 3

Ponte, Italy, January 2015 – Aefre