Devon dislikes her tone of voice. “Age?” he croaks out.

Ali laughs at him. This time an evil laugh that churns his stomach. If he weren’t in such a hurry, he would ditch this idea and try and find one himself. Not an easy task when you have standards and have little time.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head,” she says viciously. “She is twenty-eight. Good enough for you?”

Devon nods, glad about that. He sees why she is so special. In this day and age, a twenty-eight-year-old virgin is pretty hard to come by. “Of the church?” he inquires.

“Of course,” she scoffs. “Now enough talk.” She claps her hands and Devon waits as two human women files into the room. Both of them are as ugly as each other and he sighs, but it is worth it for his sire. He stands up and starts to unbutton his shirt, when Ali stops him. “Not this time, stud,” she whispers. “You are here to watch, as a witness.”

“A witness to what?” he asks, slightly perplexed, but also heavily relieved.

Ali ignores him and gestures the two women further into the room. She rifles through a desk drawer and comes up with some paperwork that she pulls out and lays carefully on the table.

Devon watches with interest, but also a growing trepidation. The two women are nervous, and the fear is causing his predator to emerge. He lets out a low growl, unable to help himself, but Ali shushes him.

“Not for you,” she murmurs.

But for someone. Someone is about to tear into these two and he is here to make sure they do it.

A couple of seconds later and a young man is escorted into the room. He, too, is sweating with fear, even though he is a Vampire. He is shoved forward by a rough looking Master Vampire and Devon gets what is going on. An initiation.

He gives Ali a filthy look. He would rather have fucked these two than stand here and watch a fresh Vampire make his first kill. Reluctantly, no less. They are few and far between and he can see why witnesses were needed.

After several minutes where nothing happens except for the wailing of the women, Devon starts to get impatient. He has shit to do and it doesn’t include this.

“Just suck it up, man,” he says to the kid. “I have places to be.”

The Vampire looks at him as if he is the worst monster in the world.

Maybe he is, for encouraging this. He doesn’t really care. All he cares about is getting his sire well again.

“May I?” he asks the Master Vampire.

He just shrugs, so Devon takes that as a ‘yes’.

“Right, buddy. There’s no going back. Clearly you need to feed and whether you want to or not, it’s tough shit.” He grabs the young Vampire by the scruff of his neck. “Do it.”

The Vampire closes his mouth even tighter, shaking his head.

“For fuck’s sake. I can see why you needed this set-up,” he says to the silent Master. In the next second, Devon Vamps out and slashes his claws across one of the women’s throats. The blood spurts out all over the young Vampire, to his horror, but it works like a charm. The smell sets off his predator and within moments he is tearing himself from Devon’s grip and diving on the woman with gusto.

It’s a messy feed, probably like every first feed, but soon he is sated, and both the women are dead.

The Master has a ghoulish smile on his face and slaps his charge on the back. He nods once to Ali, who slides the documents over to Devon to sign in his blood that he witnessed the kills.

“Now, can I go for what I came for?” he asks after he has signed.

“By all means,” Ali says. “Heads up, there are a few bidders. But none have more than a million to offer.”

“Thanks,” Devon says. Now, he can go straight in and outbid everyone and get home to his sire.

Ponte, Italy, January 2015 - Aefre

I can hear voices, muffled, like they are very far away. It irritates me that I can’t hear what they are saying, so I try to listen even harder. It makes my head ache and my eyes to water even though they are glued shut.

