“They are…” Constantine presses.

“Aggressive. Blood-thirsty. Archaic in their ways and their thoughts.”

Constantine shakes his head. “We lived there for some time. We didn’t see any of that. I am sure she will be fine, err, good.”

“You didn’t see it because they didn’t want you to. They are not as evolved as we are,” Dracul insists.

Constantine wonders who exactly he means by ‘we’.

“So, you are saying that Aefre will become aggressive and blood-thirsty?” They did just witness her killing an innocent Vampire, but surely his sweet Aefre was just protecting her family?

“Yes. You must look out for the signs and help her once the Fae side rears its head. She will need a tutor for her magick. It is different to anything that she has wielded before,” Dracul advises.

“She has her Fae magick. She knows how it works,” Constantine says.

“No, what she has is a very basic idea of how it works and what the Dragon would let her use. Now that the tether is no longer in place, it will run wild through her. She needs to know how to control it and what exactly she is capable of.”

“Great,” Constantine huffs. “So, you are saying she needs her father.”

Dracul gives him a pained look. “I know it is not ideal, but he is the only one who can help her.”

Not the only one. But over his dead body will he allow Vito to train her in the

use of Dark Fae magick. Like they need anything else to draw them closer together.

“Very well. I will talk to her,” he says stiffly.

Dracul nods swiftly. “She should wake up soon. If she does not, call me again.”

Constantine nods back. “Make sure that Delinda knows her mother loves her,” he says. Aefre would want him to say that.

“I will,” Dracul says, and vanishes from sight.

Constantine stares hard through the glass towards the forest. This is just the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. They were this close to moving forward with their lives and now it has all gone to Hell again. He is about to turn away, when a flash catches his attention. He steps closer to the window and focuses his enhanced Vampire vision through narrowed eyes.

“What do you see?” Frederick asks, stepping up next to him and peering in the direction he is looking.

“You don’t see it?” Constantine asks, not tearing his eyes away from the movement in the forest.

“Sorry. Don’t have Initial Vampire eyesight times three,” he says with a smirk.

“Humph,” Constantine says, but is pleased nonetheless to have this small reminder of his superiority.

“Hunters. They are setting up camp in the forest,” he says.

“Hunters?” Frederick repeats and squints through the window. “How do you know?”

“Who else would make camp so close to this castle, but under the cover of the forest?” he asks.

Frederick just shrugs. “Aefre will be fine,” he says instead.

“I know that,” Constantine snaps at him. He is about to dismiss him, when he decides he can be useful after all. “I have a job for you.”

“I don’t work for you,” Frederick says slyly.

“You do by proxy,” Constantine answers back just as slyly. “Besides, it is in Aefre’s best interest.”

“Go on,” Frederick says, crossing his arms and listening.