“Tomorrow,” I state. “Give a girl time to get a dress sorted,” I add with a sidelong look at him.

“Done,” he says, but then sighs.

I leave him to sort out his thoughts. He has something to say.

“It’s just...things have changed. You have changed. All these damn changes! Sebastian has screwed everything up and I am taking it out on you. I shouldn’t. It’s pathetic and weak of me when I told you that I was becoming a better man and that I would be there for you and your children. I can’t help it. I am still the little lost boy you found whoring his way through life, and I can’t deal. I will. I just need time to adjust to the way you are now thinking about things.”

I stare in astonishment at his blurted-out speech. But I know exactly what he is trying to say. “I love you,” I say to him. “That will never change. But you know this was never about me choosing. I don’t want to. It’s selfish and vain to think that you will all just accept me as I am. But I don’t give a shit. I want you all. I always have. I can’t pick just one person to be with. I don’t want to, and I won’t. That’s just not me, you know. And it’s not about being faithful. Cole never understood me like you do.” I pause to see how that affects him. He is glowing like I knew he would. So, I hide my smile and continue. “It’s about sharing all this love that I have with those who love me.”

“I know that,” he interjects. “It’s just…I have always held onto it being just me and you. I do accept you as you are, and I will be happy with you having me anyway you want me. I just want it to be official. I guess that’s what this boils down to.” He huffs at me.

“Tomorrow,” I say with a big smile. “And I can’t wait.”

“Me either,” he says. He drags me onto his lap and kisses me soundly. Our tongues swirl around each other and I almost get lost in him when I remember that I haven’t had the conversation that I really need to have with him. I put my hands on his chest and push him back.

“Wait,” I say breathlessly.

“No, I need you,” he says, swooping d

own to claim my mouth again.

“Jess,” I blurt out around his mouth. “We need to talk.”

“Fuck’s sake, Liz. You know how to kill a guy’s hard-on.” He places my hand on his crotch and while he may only be sporting a semi now, it is still impressive to my hand. It jerks under my touch and I smile to myself.

I climb off his lap and face him square on. “Look, Dev. She is a threat. I know that Rosalina has her on a short leash right now, but that won’t last forever. If she comes back here, sets foot near any of my family, I will kill her.”

“Good,” he drawls.

“I mean it, Devon. This isn’t an idle threat.”

“I know,” he says, his face going serious suddenly. “Yet another change in you. You show no remorse or guilt over killing dear old ‘Dad.’ It’s like the old you.”

“Hardly,” I snort. “No murderous rampages here, but yes, you are right. I am done being a pussy about this. If threatened in any way, my first instinct will be to kill.”

“Fuck,” he breathes. “I like this side of you, all fierce and protective.”

I smirk at him. “So, are we clear on this? You don’t have any residual feelings of pity for her?”

“No, absolutely not. In fact, I am hoping she does come back now, just so I can see you wipe the floor with her.”

“Good,” I say and climb back onto his lap. “Now? Where were we?”

“Right about here,” he says, before he softly places his lips to mine. My hands go to his chest, clawing at him to get him unclothed so that I can fuck him right here on this bench, but he stops me by pulling my hands away.

“Not yet,” he murmurs. “Just kiss me.”

My stomach flutters and I do as he asks. We kiss for the longest time. I am longing to rub my pussy over his cock but stopping myself builds up the anticipation even more. I am highly turned on and I know he is as well.

His hands go into my hair, tugging gently.

My hands circle around the back of his neck.

All the while, our tongues duel with each other, trying to outdo each other with the most fantastic kiss the World has ever seen.

I giggle and drop my hands to his crotch. “I need you now, Dev. It’s time.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more.”