I gasp and then wiggle in lust as the desire courses through me at his bite. I sort of want him to keep his Vampire solely so he can do this to me. When he scents my arousal, he fumbles with his pants and then he is inside me, thrusting high and deep and I come in a mind-shattering orgasm that milks his cock into producing his own.

“That’s better,” he says. “If he wants to go anywhere near you now, he will have to do it with you smelling like a Vampire’s fuck and feed.”

I gape at him and his coarse choice of words, but when I see the pain in his eyes, I close my mouth. His harshness is only to cover up his upset. “I need to get going,” I say. I jump off the counter and Shift to Aeval.

He frowns at me and says, “When we move to the D.F.K., am I going to have to look at you like that the whole time?”

“Don’t like what you see?” I ask, insulted.

“I have never liked any of your Shifts because they aren’t you,” he says.

“Humph,” I say rudely. “Why do you think we are moving to the D.F.K.?” I add, puzzled.

“Well, I assume that whenever you have your Faerie child, you will not leave it to be raised by your father, therefore it stands to reason that we will move there for a time.”

“Oh,” I say. “I hadn’t even thought about it.”

He sighs at me and shakes his head. “It’s a good thing you have me to think about these things,” he remarks.

“Isn’t it just?” I beam at him and he chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

“Be safe, my love. Please do not do anything foolish. We will find another way if he asks too much,” he whispers.

I nod but don’t say anything. Luckily, Sebastian arrives at my side, saving me from further awkwardness.

“Ready to go?” he asks.

“You aren’t coming with me,” I say. “Thrace will have you assassinated the second you are spotted.”

“Pah!” he scoffs at me. “I am the true King, they wouldn’t dare.”

“Maybe so, but still. You aren’t coming with me,” I say firmly.

“I am not letting you near my brother without me by your side. Forget it, Aeval. It’s not happening.”

“Yes, it is,” I say, getting annoyed with him. “I am going to ask a favor of him, you will only antagonize him, if you survive.”


He crosses his arms and sets his mouth in a grim line. I can see he isn’t going to budge so I throw him a compromise.

“You can come as far as the border. Then you will wait. That’s it,” I say.

“’Bastian,” CK says softly. “Let her do this her way. It is going to be difficult enough as it is.”

We both blink at him and then Sebastian softens and uncrosses his arms.

“Very well,” he says. “But so help me, Aeval, if he touches you in any way, I will beat him to death.”

I nod dutifully, eager to get this show on the road. I am done messing about. I want into the L.F.K. and back out so that I can go and bring my daughter home. It appeases him and CK and I relax now that they aren’t both glowering at me and each other.

“Shall we?” I say and hold out my hand.

He takes it and with a reassuring smile to CK, I let Aeval transport us straight into the Fae Kingdoms.

We land right on the border, where Jerrick and Vito are waiting for us. I let go of Sebastian and rush to Vito. He picks me up in his arms and crushes me but then he stiffens and places me back on my feet.

“You are still with him?” he asks.