Ponte, Italy, January 2015 - Aefre

I wake up alone, of course. Never any different with CK. I would have liked to see him next to me, sleeping, after our pre-dawn lovemaking.

The sun is now streaming through the windows, the curtains still wide open, and I squint in the brightness. I haul myself out of bed and find my discarded robe under the bed, where it must have slithered when CK took it off me. I pull it on, fasten the belt tightly and go off to the room next door to check on Thia.

But, of course, she isn’t there. No doubt snuggled in her daddy’s arms somewhere, happy with him now after her tantrum last night.

This is good, though. I could do with a nice hot bath, so I slip inside our proper bedroom and into the bathroom.

Soon, I am lounging in hot, lavender-scented water up to my chin. First things first, when I get out of here, it has to be to talk to Devon. I am sure he won’t protest, but the courtesy must be extended on the off chance that he feels it necessary to take non-violent action against his ex. I doubt it though. He loathes her more than he has ever loathed anyone.

I drain the bath and climb out, Astralling myself dry and dressed with a click of my fingers.

Damn, it’s good to be able to do that. It is so annoying that my Powers are skewed in the Fae Kingdoms, but on this occasion, it was probably for the best I returned home looking like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards. CK has made no comment about me and Vito and I hope that it stays that way.

I flit down the stairs quickly and follow the trail to the kitchen, but it is empty. So, I push open the door that leads to the outside courtyard, expecting to find Devon as his scent is lingering so heavily in the air.

Instead, I find Vito, half-heartedly training with the wooden dummy that has stood in the same spot for centuries. Obviously, it’s not the exact same one.

Fortunately, he has his shirt on today or I might have found myself unable to stop the pounce that is threatening me even as I push it down fiercely. Carlotta really did a number on my head yesterday. I am even more jealous today than I was yesterday, and it is making irrational thoughts pop into my head. I am about to scarper, but he sees me and stops what he is doing to rest his hand on one of the wooden poles, the other on his hip.

“Looking to train?” he asks with a raised eyebrow at my jeans and Louboutins.

“Devon,” I say shortly. I must keep a distance between us. I have to.

“He was here, went around the front I think,” he says, just as shortly.

“Thanks,” I mutter and stalk off, but before I turn the corner I pause. I can’t help the next words that tumble out of my mouth,

“You’re leaving, aren’t you?” I ask. I’ll be seeing you. It was a farewell.

He gives me a curious look. “I haven’t decided, why?” He walks closer, too close, even though he is still several feet

away. “For the best?” he adds when he sees me back up a step unintentionally.

“No. I don’t want you to go. I–I am not ready to be without you yet. You are part of my life again. Your place is here,” I say carefully. I am sidestepping landmine after landmine with every new word that comes out of my mouth.

“Is it?” he asks, coming even closer.

I stand my ground this time. “Yes. You belong here, however that will work, we can figure it out. Just don’t go, okay?” I can hear the plaintive note in my voice and so can he. His eyes soften and he nods.

“Okay,” he says quietly and then turns his back to me to resume his training.

I am about to Astral off to find Devon but find myself walking instead around the corner and into the bright sun now that I am out of the shadow of the castle. I Astral on a pair of Ray-Bans and keep walking until I spot Cade, lying on a stone bench, eyes closed, his face to the sun.

“Hey,” he says as I approach.

“Hey, how are you feeling today?”

“Better,” he says, opening his eyes and sitting up, scooting over to make room for me. “Well, less hazy and nauseous. I feel like such a fucking idiot, though.”

“Yeah, I get that,” I say, sitting down and remembering my own humiliation that I had been spelled.

“Actually, that makes me feel better,” he says with a sidelong glance.

“Yes, I know what you are going through, Cade. If you ever need to talk or–”

“No, the fact that they managed to spell even you, the most powerful creature that I know. It makes me feel better that I was so easily taken down,” he interrupts me.