She is broken.

It is plain and simple. She cannot be fixed; she doesn’t want to be. It is so clear to him now that is why she stays with Constantine; because he makes her feel dirty and used and she likes it. She needs it to feel better about herself. It’s fucked up, but he gets it, because he gets her. It was ingrained into her so long ago that she just cannot change. She cannot see it as a problem, only a solution. Can he do this? Can he take advantage of her like this?

She wiggles under him in rapture, swirling her tongue around his, wrapping her legs around him and pushing her hips against him. His cock has swollen to its full size and is smashed against her jean-covered pussy, needing to bury itself deep inside her.

“Stop,” he rasps as she rotates her hips. “Aefre, no.”

“Yes,” she says, breathing out. “Take me, Vito. I want you. I need you.”

It’s all a lie said in the heat of the moment. He knows that, but he just doesn’t have the restraint. He never did, which is why he raped and pillaged and tore the throats out of women for centuries before he discovered her and her shroud-covered light. All the reasons he needed his redemption and, by some fluke, got it, by being a victim for five hundred years.

“I’ve been so naughty,” she whispers to him and it makes him moan out loud and forget where his thoughts were. He lets her push him onto his back and straddle him. “Punish me,” she adds.

“Aefre, no,” he says, sitting up and trying to push her off him, but she is too strong, even for him. She wrestles with him and somewhere along the line, Astrals off her clothes so that she is writhing naked over him, driving his senses wild as her arousal hits its peak. She shudders on top of him, totally getting off on the struggle as she rubs her pussy over his still-encased cock.

“Fuck, Aefre,” he swears at her, grabbing her wrists and trying to push her away from him.

She isn’t having any of it as she tears her arms away and strips him of his clothes with her Vampire speed.

She positions his cock at her entrance and with a wicked smile she says, “I’ll stop if you really want me to.”

“You are evil and deserve everything you get,” he growls at her, taking her hips and slamming her down on him so that she takes his excessive manhood in one go.

She screams with the pain and pleasure he gives her as he tosses them over so that she is squashed underneath him. He pushes down on her hips and slams into her again and again. He can’t stop. Not even the world ending would make him pull out now. She knows it, he knows it, and with a shudder that lasts far longer than usual, he unloads into her, spurting jet after jet of his Dark Fae cum into her as she climaxes underneath him, throbbing around him violently.

As soon as she stills, he pulls out and turns away from her, not wanting to hear anything she is about to say to him.

The Light Fae Kingdom, January 2015 - Aefre

I lie there in stunned silence. This is not where I expected this trip to go. Vito and I are just too compatible in this area, which is why I have stayed away. I have wanted him every day since he came back. The attraction is still there, tenfold, even though I don’t think I’m still in love with him, I still desire and want him.

I just can’t…couldn’t.

Now, what the Hell have I done?

I was feeling sorry for myself and he was here. His words rang true, but I ignored them in favor of getting the one thing I always seek in times like this: the high from a good fuck.

And, oh the gods, was that a good fuck. I lost it before he had even really touched me. His cock is just so enormous it excites me beyond belief. To feel it pressing against me, I wanted it. Nothing else mattered.

“Don’t say anything,” he says quietly, before I can even form a proper thought. “We shouldn’t have done that.”

“Yes, we should,” I contradict him. “We both wanted it.”

He turns on me with a furious look. “I love you, Aefre. I have wanted you every day since I got back, but you didn’t want me until it was convenient for you. Don’t try and pretend this was anything more than a quick rut to make yourself feel better and I was the lucky one here to do the job for you.”

“Vito,” I say as his words hurt me. He makes it sound so cold.

“Don’t,” he says again, pulling his clothes on hurriedly.

“And you say I don’t need to seek redemption,” I say bitterly, following suit and pulling my clothes back on manually. How I managed to Astral them off without it going sideways is a small mystery.

I hear him sigh and watch him as he runs his hand through his hair. “Maybe you do,” he says eventually, and it is like a stake to the heart.

“I see,” I mutter. “I guess I’ll get on that,” I add sarcastically.

“Don’t come to me again looking for whatever it is that just happened here,” he suddenly blurts out. “Come to me if you really and truly want me.”

“I do!” I wail at him to his surprise. “Every day! But don’t you see what could happen?”