She shoves her hands through her hair, a look of disgust on her face. “That servant girl, Delilah. She was fucking Sebastian, letting him drink from her before I put a stop to it.”

“He was drinking Fae blood?” Vito asks, aghast. It is a drug to Vampires. Destructive, addictive.

“Yes,” she spits out.

“No wonder he lost his mind,” Vito murmurs and he catches her giving him an interested look.

“You think it was her blood that sent him over the edge?” she ventures, licking her luscious lips.

“Absolutely,” he repl

ies. “What else do you remember?”

Aefre gives him a look and then avoids his eyes again. “Nothing,” she murmurs.

“Aefre, tell me,” he presses. He wants to know her secrets; he wants to know everything.

“He used to treat me badly sometimes,” she mutters.

Vito grabs her hands again and forces her eyes back to his. “How so?” he chokes out, glad the bastard is already dead, or he would kill him for hurting her.

“Like a whore,” she spits out bitterly. “Like her.”

“Oh,” Vito says, unable to comment further. He doesn’t know what to say. The very idea of another man fucking her like a whore makes the depraved part of him pant like a dog.

“Yeah,” she says and climbs off the bed to pace.

He watches her for a few minutes, trying to calm his lust down before he pounces on her and makes her take him.

She stops and then lets out a roar so loud, he claps his hands to his ears and drops to his knees. The floorboards are shaking underneath him, but he manages to crawl across to her as she stretches out her hands ready to do some damage.

“Aefre!” he cries as he reaches her feet.

She looks down at him and stops screaming, dropping her hands suddenly. “Dammit!” she shrieks. “Damn him, damn all of them!”

Vito grabs her hands and drags her down to her knees too. He envelopes her in an embrace that consumes her tiny frame as she sobs, asking him, “Why? Why?”

He doesn’t know what she means, but he knows he must answer the banging on the door. He lets go of her briefly to open the door, getting to his feet as he sees Anders standing there with a fierce look on his face.

“What is the meaning of all of this racket?” he demands.

“She remembers,” is all Vito says and Anders face goes blank.

“I see. Well, calm her and ensure her presence at dinner,” he says.

“Pass,” Vito replies. “She needs rest.”

Anders gnashes his teeth but nods his head. “Breakfast then. Be sure to escort her or I will have to ensure her presence the hard way.”

Vito nods stiffly, a shiver of fear going down his spine. If her presence is needed that badly, then there is definitely more to come about Sebastian’s death. He closes the door once Anders has retreated and turns back to Aefre. She has her head in her hands, her shoulders racking with silent sobs.

“Aefre,” he says, taking her by the elbow and getting her to her feet.

She pulls away from him and turns her back to him, taking in a deep breath. “Am I such a horrible person?” she asks, staring at the wall and not him.

“What? No, of course not. You are the sweetest–”

“Ergh!” She spins around and yells in his face, “Stop it! Stop it! I am not some saint, Vito! I wish everyone would stop making me out to be one!” Her agitation has made her cheeks go red and her hair is frazzled as she once again shoves her hands through it.