He mulls it over, glaring at me as if to take it all back. “Still,” he says eventually. “She is the chosen one.”

I stifle the noise of resentment that bubbles up. “Nope. Not happening, Anders,” I say, trying to resist the urge to throw up. How did this conversation get so out of hand? I knew he would request her return, but I assumed this would be more about Sebastian’s death than Delinda.

He grits his teeth and then a flash of triumph lights up his green eyes. He gives me a smug look. “I know that you are unable to remember your time here. I can lift the haze of the spell that Kalen cast upo

n you so that you may remember the time you spent with your daughter and your husband. On the condition that you return Delinda to our care.”

Oh, the little piece of slime. So much his father’s son after all, knowing exactly where to jab me. Although, I could always give him what he wants in theory.

“I’ll think about it,” I say stiffly. After two months of nothing, I am now dying to regain my memories so that I know what Sebastian made me do while I was here, in particular, to CK.

“I am afraid that won’t do,” Anders says, giving me a wicked smile, knowing he has me over a barrel.

“Delinda doesn’t want to live here,” I try, thinking that might have some effect on him. Sadly, it does not.

“She will learn to like it here once again,” he replies.

“She doesn’t know that Kalen is dead,” I try again.

His eyes narrow but then they soften in compassion. “I understand your trauma over the situation, Aeval. But she needs to know, and she needs to return here where she can be watched over properly.”

“You do know that your mother tried to kidnap her from my home, don’t you?” I ask, switching tactic and crossing my arms over my chest.

His eyes harden. “Yes, I am aware of her actions. She has been reprimanded. We do not take unwilling prisoners, Aeval.”

Well, that’s something, I suppose. He needs her to come willingly. And she won’t. “I will talk to her,” I say with a heavy sigh. “I need to explain things first.”

“Of course,” Anders says, jumping up, thinking he has worn me down. “Delinda needs to be happy and feel safe and secure here.”

I just nod hesitantly.

“As a gesture of good faith, I will partly lift the spell. Some of your memories will return. The rest, when Delinda is here.” He gives me a level stare and I return it, again with a stiff nod.

“I understand,” I mutter. Part of my memories is better than nothing. The rest I will have to find on my own.

He places his hand on my head and bears down hard. He closes his eyes and mutters words in his language, causing my head to feel like he has shot me between the eyes. I flinch and try not to cry out, using all my strength just to stay on my feet.

And then it’s gone.

I blink once, twice, expecting the rush of memories to come flooding back, but there is nothing.

“It will take some time,” Anders says, returning to sit on his throne. “Rest now, Aeval. We will dine and come morning; you will bring me the blessed child.”

I try not to curl my lip up in disdain at him, choosing instead to nod and head to the door where Vito left.

Chapter 17

The Fae Kingdoms, January 2015 - Aefre

“Well?” Vito asks me as I exit the throne room.

I give him a ponderous look. “Weird. He was more interested in me returning Delinda than inquiring about Sebastian’s death.”

“Perhaps one thing at a time?” Vito asks.

“Possibly….” I stop speaking as a servant gestures for us to follow her. I assume we are expected to stay the night, which is good. I have completely lost sight of why we are here and now I need to get back on track in the privacy of my own room. Find Cade and get out, never to return. Should be easy, but I won’t count on it. I have no idea where he is being kept due to my memory loss.

The servant girl gives me a hateful look, which takes me aback, until I realize that I must have done her a wrong somehow while I was Queen here. I try to give her a friendly smile, but her returned one is full of venom and I decide not to pursue her issue. Whatever it is, hopefully it will come out with the memories that Anders has returned to me.