
Even I have to sneer at that unlikely thought.

Fifteen minutes later, we are being ushered into the Throne room. I feel a pang and then nausea overwhelms me.


It hits me pretty hard and I gulp, gripping Vito’s hand even tighter.

“Aeval,” Anders greets me with a regal incline of his head.

“Anders,” I croak back. I see the slight pinch in his eyes, but then he smiles and stands up from his throne.

“It’s good to see you,” he says, approaching me.

I watch him with caution and embrace him stiffly when he takes me in his arms.

“My condolences,” he murmurs in my ear.

“Get that murdering whore out of here!” a voice suddenly shrieks and there’s no need to guess to whom it belongs.

“Mother,” Anders snaps at Pyleah. “She is our family and she is in mourning.” He gestures to my all black attire while, not up to Fae standards, still passes as…well…black.

“Pah,” Pyleah spits out. “She killed my son. Arrest her!” she screams at the guards.

They look to Anders for instruction and, to my relief, he shakes his head and waves his hand. “Stand down. In fact, leave us.”

Pyleah looks incensed by the order and stands her ground until Anders gives her a look that makes her think twice. I must wonder if he knows she tried to kidnap Delinda from my home a few weeks ago?

Everybody files out of the room, leaving me, Vito, and King Anders, who resumes his seat on his throne.

“Aeval,” he starts with a grave look. “Things are growing volatile. We need an explanation and reparation for the assassination of our King.”

“I can’t tell you anything other than what you already know,” I lie stiffly. “Dracul took offense to Kalen’s treatment of me. That’s all I know.”

Anders purses his lips at my mention of the spelling. “What my brother did to you was wrong, I cannot deny that. But his death was undeserved.”

“I cannot answer for my brother,” I state firmly. “I am merely here to pay my respects and to inform you that Delinda and I will not be returning here. So, you may let your mother know not to try anything again or I will not hold Kalen’s memory to heart when I deal with her.”

“Aeval,” Anders says, almost with a warning. “Delinda belongs here.”

“No, she doesn’t. My father has another daughter now. She is the one that will bring forth your prophecy. Leave me and my daughter alone.”

“I cannot do that. Delinda is the one,” he declares. “She is my niece, the daughter of my late brother and our late King. She needs to return here to take her rightful place.”

I give Vito a look and he gives me a questioning one back. I press my thumb against his palm, and he squeezes to let me know he understands, and then he excuses himself.

Anders gives me a narrow-eyed look. “What is it you aren’t saying?” he asks astutely.

I look him squarely in the eye and take a deep breath. “She isn’t, wasn’t, Kalen’s daughter. She was your father’s. She is your sister.”

I wait.

And then I see it.

The outrage and disgust flashing in his eyes before he covers it up and scoffs. “Don’t be ridiculous. Kalen announced that she was his.”

“That is the story that my father wanted me to tell. He assumed that the truth would have the effect that you felt before you decided not to believe me.” I push down the disgust and outrage that I still feel over Delinda’s paternal line and lift my chin defiantly.