“Yes!” I cry out and I let him love me.

Ponte, Italy, January 2015 – Vito

He goes off in search of Aefre, desperate to spend some time with her alone. He can't wait. It is what he has hoped for and finally she has decided to face her father for what he did to her. To them. And their child. He takes a minute to mourn his loss once again but then brushes it off. Getting Aefre on her own will be a major step forward in being able to get her into bed again. All he needs is once, that much is clear, to regain what he lost. It has everything to do with Aefre, but even more than that. He wants back what he lost. He doesn't care if Aefre doesn't want the child. He will look after him or her on his own if he must.

He follows her scent, that scent that arouses him beyond belief, and traces her to the bathing hall. He stops short as he sees her with her Wolf in the throes of passion. How many more times does he have to walk in on her in here? He waits and watches. He wonders if she knows he is here watching her. He thinks she probably does.

He leans against the wall and waits. He isn’t left for very long, which makes him think that she does know he is hovering. She kisses her Wolf and then climbs out of the pool, giving him only a glimpse of her body before she Astrals on a pair of black jeans and a vest top, drying herself in the process. Her high heels clack on the marble floor as she makes her way across to him with a wicked grin. He returns it with a raised eyebrow, and she laughs. She might be more amenable to a romp in the Fae forests than he first thought.

“What is the plan?” he asks, crossing his arms and trying to maintain a business-like air.

“Drake first and then the Light Fae,” she replies, leading him away from the pool and through the windy corridors that lead to the Entrance Hall.

“And how do we know that the Light Fae won’t execute us on sight?” he asks with concern.

“As far as they know, Dracul was the one who killed their King. But I am confident that Anders will receive us without trying to take our heads first. He seems to be the most reasonable Light Fae I have come across.”

“Well, hopefully he can keep his mother in check,” Vito murmurs. He is more concerned about Pyleah than he is about Anders. She is volatile and she loathes Aefre. He will have to be sure not to leave her side for even a second.

Soon, they are joined by Aefre’s daughters and Marguerite by the big front doors.

“Mama,” Delinda cries when she sees her mother. “What’s going on?”

Aefre gives her an astonished look. The child is perceptive. He has noticed that many a time over the last few weeks.

“Erm,” Aefre stammers but is saved by a loud knock on the door.

She looks relieved as she goes over to answer it and lets in her giant Dragon brother.

“Uncle D!” Delinda shrieks in delight and bends her knees to launch herself at him. He ca

tches her deftly, even as Aefre steps up to catch her if she falls. “What are you doing here?” Delinda asks with a wrinkled brow.

“I am here to take you to the Dragon Realms,” Dracul answers.

“Really?” she asks, wide-eyed, with a look at her mother.

Aefre nods and he wonders why she has arranged this. Is it in case she doesn’t return from the Fae Kingdoms, or happens to bring the Fae back to their doorstep?

“It is time that you went with your Uncle and really learned about your Dragon side,” Aefre says with a smile.

“How long will I be gone?” Delinda asks sadly.

“As long as you want to be. Your uncle will bring you back as soon as you want to come home,” she replies.

“Oh, okay,” Delinda says, brightening again. She leans over to kiss her mother soundly and then snuggles into her uncle’s arms. “What about Papa?”

“I will be joining you,” Remiel says, appearing out of nowhere with a small backpack in his hands, which he hands to Delinda.

“Yay!” Delinda cries and secures the backpack onto her back. “Let’s go!”

Dracul smiles benevolently at her and gives her a swift nod. “Aefre,” he says and bends to give her a kiss on the top of her head. “Be safe.”

“And you,” she says with a warning flash of her eyes.

Dracul chuckles at her and vanishes from sight leaving Remiel to follow, presumably.

Vito watches jealously as Aefre goes to her sire and gives him a fierce hug and a precious kiss. It is clear that she has fallen in love with him and it hurts Vito that she could be so swayed by the sire bond that she loves this man. This monster who has hurt her so badly. It follows her pattern, though. She will always fall for the man who treats her badly instead of choosing to be with the man that worships her, adores her, and will make it his life’s mission to make sure she is happy, safe, and loved.