When he gets the balls to broach it after her ordeal this morning.

And now she has killed, with her two bare hands. How will that change her? It doesn’t seem to have had any effect on her whatsoever, but he is betting that it will come back to haunt her at some point.

He sighs and leaves the kitchen, intent on finding Frederick. Constantine didn’t seem to take the threat of Jess and a twin sword all that seriously, but he knows better. The hours are ticking away until she returns, and he needs a game plan. Everybody else has got their own shit going on, but Frederick seems to be here to protect Lizzie and that’s it.

As Devon walks past the massive double doors in the Entrance Hall, he nearly jumps out of his skin when there is a loud, ominous knock on the door.

Bang, bang.

“Shit,” he mutters, putting his hand over his hammering heart. “Who the fuck knocks anymore?”

And who got through the wards?

He debates with himself whether to open them. What if he does and a hoard of Hunters flood the castle? Or worse? A Vampire uprising? Or a Faerie one?

He starts to sweat, as again there is the same slow and loud bang. Bang.

Is there no one else around that can hear this, for fuck’s sake?

“I know you are standing there,” a male voice booms through the doorway. “I mean no harm.”

“Jesus!” Devon almost shrieks, but he recognizes the deep baritone of Dracul. He races to the doors and opens them both up. “Sorry, I….”

“You were being cautious, as expected,” Dracul says formally. “May I come in?”

“Err, of course,” Devon says, stepping back and feeling like a fool. “You’ll forgive my surprise; we aren’t used to people being so courteous.”

Dracul gives him a dark look and then ducks his head to enter the castle. “Manners are the cornerstone of society,” he says.

“Couldn’t agree more,” Devon mutters, closing the doors behind the giant of a man, err, Dragon. “To what do we owe the honor?”

“I am here to speak with my sister,” he replies, his hands behind his back, while he looks around, nodding in approval of his surroundings.

“She is with Delinda at the moment, I will–”

“Uncle D!” Delinda suddenly appears on the stairs, swooping down in mid-air.

Devon steps forward in panic to catch her but Dracul is there instead, catching her swiftly and twirling her around in a circle before he holds her close.

“Ah, my noble one. It is good to see you again, princess,” he says to her.

“Mama says you are in charge now,” she shrieks at him. “Yay! Yay! Yay!”

“That I am,” Dracul answers with a little laugh.

“Mama is happy.”

“I am glad,” he says and looks to the stairs where Lizzie is making a more traditional descent.

“Hi,” she says, reaching him and tilting her head up for a kiss. “Everything okay?”

“Hm,” he answers, non-committal, while Delinda wiggles in his arms.

“Look at me now, Uncle D,” she says, and he holds her in his outstretched arms as she Shifts into her Dragon form, a tiny little Golden Dragon that has Devon mesmerized. He has never seen her Dragon form before, but she is clearly up for showing off for her uncle.

“Perfection,” he purrs in her face. “You are getting so big now.”

Delinda-Dragon preens and then Shifts back. “Are you staying long?”