"Aefre?" Frederick asks quietly.

"What?" I rasp, pushing my sweaty hair out of my face, panting heavily. I haven't killed another being in so long (since that whore Tanya), and certainly never with magick. It is a euphoric release that not even the best orgasm of my life could top.

"How do you feel?" he asks with a wicked grin.

"Amazing!" I reply with a feral grin in return, only then remembering that Delinda has just witnessed me killing another creature. My high crash lands like a meteor hitting Earth.

"Baby," I say to her, turning to her quickly.

"Wow," she breathes, having Shifted back to her human form. "Papa is going to love this story!"

Oh, dear. Is he? I just killed his father.

"Delinda, sweetie. What you just saw, it's wrong." I kneel before her, unwrapping the towel from myself and placing it around her and taking her hands.

"You were protecting me," she says matter-of-factly with a one-shouldered shrug. "Papa told me that it's okay to protect those that you love, by any means necessary."

That is a quote if I ever heard one. No way did she come up with that all by herself.

I squeeze her hands, pursing my lips at her. "Sometimes," I say. "You are my daughter and I will do anything for you." I drag her closer to me and give her a big cuddle, hoping that I haven't inadvertently given her nightmares, but she tends towards the bloodthirsty I’ve noticed. Must be the Dragon in her.

I turn my attention back to Frederick. "What are you doing with Pyleah?" I ask.

"Whatever you want me to

," he replies, trying his best not to gaze at my naked body in front of my daughter.

“How did you subdue her?” I ask while I Astral on a fresh pair of sweats and a vest top.

“I have no qualms about striking a woman,” he says darkly.

“Oh,” I say faintly, not happy that he has admitted that in front of Delinda.

“Especially if the bitch is trying to spell me into submission,” he continues with a look of annoyance.

“Language,” I tut, even though I just committed a worse infraction by far.

“Was she trying to take me back to Daddy?” Delinda asks.

“I–err, what did she say to you?” I stammer.

“That I had to go with her. I didn’t want to. I want to stay here with you,” she says. “Where is Daddy? Why didn’t he come for me?”

“I don’t know, sweetie,” I say, at a loss for anything else to add.

“I want Daddy,” she suddenly blurts out, her eyes full of tears.


Shit, shit, shit.

“I know, baby,” I say, pulling her closer to me again.

I let her snuffle into the towel for a few moments.

“I want Daddy, but I don’t want to go back there,” she says. “Why can’t he come here?”

I look to Frederick for help, but he is useless. He just shrugs and flings Pyleah onto the bed.