That will only get my children abducted, or worse.

I skid to a stop. Frederick has Laurentis right where he wants him. His arms are pinned behind his back with Frederick's great strength. It surprises me. Frederick is really, really old, but Laurentis is a lot older. Remiel once told me that he had no power to speak of; this is what he must have meant. His only power is swaying the minds of others. I glance at Frederick with narrowed eyes, but he gives me a clear-eyed look back. I gasp. Of course! Frederick has that power as well. It must mean he is immune to it.

"What do you want me to do with him?" he asks.

"You are fired!" Laurentis spits out as he struggles.

"No need. I quit!" Frederick spits back.

"Okay, now that is settled, I want to know why you want my child," I say, crossing my arms.

"Raw power," Laurentis says with a gleam in his eye.

I take a step forward to end this once and for all when an ear-piercing shriek attacks my senses.

"Delinda!" I scream and dive straight through the balcony doors and leap over the edge, landing in a crouch on the grass below.

Frederick is at my side seconds later and I give him a fierce glare. He must have let Laurentis go.

"It won't hold him for long," he says with a grimace. He must have used that power of his on him. I don’t respond as I race forward to find Pyleah, struggling with my little girl and Marguerite.

"Let go of her!" I bellow, calling my Dragon fire to me and aiming it at Pyleah.

"She belongs in the Fae Kingdoms," Pyleah snarls like a rabid dog. "Away from you, filthy, murdering whore!"

"Bitch!" I shriek at her, letting go of the orb. It hits Pyleah on the side furthest away from my daughter.

She screams in agony as the fire ball tears through her.

"Leave now before I kill you!"

"Delinda is coming with me!" she screeches back.

"No!" Delinda cries, tugging on her arm for Pyleah to let her go. But she is no match for the ancient Faerie. That is until she sprouts her Dragon wings and then Shifts to the horror of Pyleah.

"No!" she bellows as Delinda flaps away.

"No!" I shriek at my daughter as I see her flying directly for the balcony of my bedroom and the waiting Laurentis.

I Astral off, getting in her way before she can land. She screeches at me as I try to shoo her away from here. There are plenty of other balconies she can go and land on.

I can see her eyes glaze over with anger, but they aren't aimed at me. She lets out a stream of Dragon fire from her mouth, right over my left shoulder and I spin just in time to see it hit Laurentis in the chest, his arms outstretched to capture me.

"Fuck!" he roars, dousing the flames as best he can. His eyes are two slits of fury and his face is a mask of rage. A rage that is currently being aimed at my daughter.

Well, if there is ever a time to stop being a pussy, this is it.

"Not a fucking chance!" I shout at him and blast him with my Dark Fae magick, streaming out of both my hands, white-hot currents of pure electricity.

"Gah!" he roars as he shudders violently, spasms of shock going through him.

"What the fuck?" Frederick exclaims as he lands by my side with an unconscious Pyleah slung over his shoulder. "Aefre!"

"Do not try to stop me," I manage to get out as I continue to infuse as much magick as I can into this beast that has messed so badly with my life. Every ounce of hate, anger, disgust, and fear that I have erupts into one final blow that I let loose with a triumphant cry of victory.

Laurentis is down. Lying in the middle of my bedroom.
