Shit. Not good.

I scrunch my eyes up even more and the feeling I get from him is tense, but he isn’t worried.

Good, at least I know Armageddon isn’t going on over there.

I start to drift off, not asleep, but not fully awake either.

I feel lulled and relaxed almost as if someone is singing to me to soothe my frazzled body and nerves.

“Hmm,” I mumble as I shift in the water. I feel it lapping over my breasts.

And then I feel a light touch, circling my nipple gently.

“So beautiful,” he murmurs.

He? I try to open my eyes, but I can’t, and when he continues to hum a comforting tune, I realize I don’t want to. I just want him to keep on doing what he is doing.

“Did you miss me?” he asks quietly, in a rich, smooth voice. “I have missed you, darlin’.”

“Yes,” I whisper. “I missed you.”

“Did you miss my touch?”


“How does it feel now?” he asks.

“Perfect,” I say with a smile.

Laurentis allows me to open my eyes and I look at him as he drags his index finger between my breasts and into the water.

“You went away from me,” he says with a pout. “You have been a very naughty girl.”

“I'm sorry,” I say. “I had things to take care of.”

“Hm,” comes his reply as he submerges his hand into the water and presses it hard against my tender stomach. I grunt in response and he growls loudly.

“You have expelled the child. Where is it?” he demands, grabbing my upper arm tightly.

“Get away from her!” a menacing voice booms throughout the bathroom, and then there is a black blur as Frederick pounces on his employer and tackles him to the ground.

I blink once, then twice, and the fog that had shrouded my mind lifts and I gasp.


He got into my head. Again.

Oh! This means war!

I stand up and let out a roar so ferocious, it cracks the mirror above the sink.

Devon comes running in, but skids to a stop, unable to do anything in the close quarters. I turn to him quickly. "Thia!" I yell at him. "Take her away, now!"

He nods his understanding and, turning on a dime, he races for my daughter. I hold my hand out and drop the ward, then I reach for a towel and high tail it into the sitting room. Empty.

Thank the old gods. Devon has my daughter somewhere safe.

I take a moment to compose myself, wrapping the towel tightly under my arms and securing it with a quick shove. I storm into the bedroom, fully Vamped out, intending to murder this being, despite my earlier words. I gave CK the go-ahead to do whatever it takes. Well live by the rule, die by the rule. I am done being a reformed pussy.