I can’t believe today is November already. Time seems to have flown by. Although, I did lose a month with Sebastian, so I guess that’s why. It saddens me, because CK and I were supposed to celebrate the anniversary of my turning last month. We can’t be sure of an exact date, but it was definitely what October is now.

I heave a sigh as I make my way up the stairs to my bedroom. I have left Delinda, screaming with delight in the swimming pool, watched over closely by Marguerite, Devon, and Frederick. I know he will keep her safe. There is just something about that him I trust. I have ever since our road trip all those centuries ago.

Baby Arathia–I am going to call her Thia in secret as CK would never allow it–squirms in my arms and I hold her closer. She is wrapped up in a pink-and-white blanket with a little white hat on. She is gorgeous. I wish more than anything that CK could be holding her in his arms right now. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he does. I push open the door to the sitting room that is attached to my bedroom. I take a moment to summon up everything that I need for her, including more clothes, diapers, a changing table, and a crib. I am a little bit perplexed by her lack of need to feed–either milk or blood–but I will just keep an eye on her and try to accommodate her as needed.

She has fallen asleep again, so I place her gently in the crib and quietly head to my bedroom. I look out of the windows, overlooking the pool to check on Delinda, but she is doing just fine. I smile and turn as I feel another presence suddenly.

My heart lurches and my mouth goes dry.

“Cole?” I ask as he comes into the bedroom from the bathroom that was once his. He is carrying a bag, which he drops in surprise at seeing me.

“Liv,” he says. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s my house,” I remind him curtly. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to clear out the rest of my things,” he says, indicating the bag. “Haven’t really wanted to before.” He shrugs.

“I see,” I say coldly and turn my back to him. The pain at seeing him again, in what used to be our home, has doused any excitement that I thought I might have.

“Liv,” he says softly, and I turn back to him. “I’m sorry. I handled things so badly. I didn’t want to hurt you, I just, I couldn’t live like that anymore.”

“I know,” I say after a pause. He looks so sad and genuine that it breaks my heart. “I wish I had handled things differently as well. I should have informed you of Vampire relationships before I turned you. I was so scared I would lose you, but I knew once yo

u were mine, you wouldn’t go. It was wrong.”

“If it had just been Devon, I could have handled it,” he says, coming closer to me. I catch his scent and it makes me clench my fists in an effort not to pounce on him. “But…it just got too much, you know?”

“I know,” I say again. I do understand it. Even I was starting to think it was a bit ridiculous. “Things have changed now.”

“Don’t,” he says, holding up his hand. “Devon told me that you are both Vampires again.”

“That’s not what I was going to say.” I know Devon told him. “Sebastian is dead,” I blurt out.

Cole’s eyebrows go up, but he doesn’t say anything.

“And Xane and I are no longer together. And things with Lincoln, are…complicated.”

“What are you saying?” he asks carefully.

“That if you wanted to come back, things aren’t like they used to be,” I mutter.

“Back?” he asks, startled that I dared to ask him.

“Yeah,” I say, shoving my hands into the pockets of my hoodie.

He shakes his head sadly. “I can’t do it, Liv. Things have changed for me as well.”

I just nod once and look away.

“I should get going,” he says. “It was good to see you. I needed it. You know, closure,” he mutters.

“Me too,” I say and with that he disappears. Truly gone from my life.

With a heavy heart, I check in on Thia and erect a ward around her, just in case. There are too many unknown variables out there along with the known.

I strip off and head towards to bathroom. I am a mess. I run water into the tub but step into the shower first to get rid of all the blood, feeling my delicate stomach gingerly. It still hurts. But it has completely healed up. I had no choice but to cast a knock-out spell on myself. The pain was too much to bear. It reminded me way too much of what Lance used to do to me.

I turn off the jets and then climb into the tub full of hot, lavender-scented water and sigh. I keep my Vampire hearing on high alert, but all is quiet. I close my eyes and I try to latch onto CK so that I can gain a sense of how things are going with the meeting, but I get nothing. With a frown, I try to do the same with Remiel and I connect almost immediately.